- A
- A Century Foundation Book
- A Class Action Book
- A Council on Foreign Relations Book
- A Fesler-Lampert Minnesota Heritage Book
- A Helen B. Schwartz Book in Jewish Studies
- A History of the Trans-Appalachian Frontier
- A Human Rights Watch Book
- A Hypatia Book
- A JPS Guide
- A JPS Scholar of Distinction Book
- A Quadrant Book
- A Research in African Literatures Book
- A Stanford Environmental Law Society handbook
- A Study of the Legal History of Establishment in England
- A Ver
- A Woodrow Wilson Center Press Book
- ACLU Handbook
- ANIMA: Critical Race Studies Otherwise
- AO-Publishing
- AOSpine Masters Series
- APA Bronfenbrenner Series on the Ecology of Human Development
- APA Handbooks in Psychology® Series
- APA LifeTools Series
- APA Reference Books Collection
- APA/MSU Series on Multicultural Psychology
- AREA Method Publications
- AWP Prize for the Novel
- Abolition: Emancipation from the Carceral
- Abrahamic Dialogues
- Acculturated
- Activist Encounters in Folklore and Ethnomusicology
- Adolescence in 7 Societies
- Adolescents in a Changing World series
- Advances in Entrepreneurial Processes
- Advances in Semiotics
- Advancing Education in Muslim Societies
- Advancing Studies in Religion
- Africa in World History
- Africa in the Modern World
- African & Diasporic Cultural Studies
- African Amer Music in Global Perspective
- African American Intellectual Heritage
- African Epic
- African Expressive Cultures
- African Issues
- African Poetry Book
- African Religions, Social Realities
- African Soundscapes
- African Systems of Thought
- Agora Editions
- Alembics: Penn Studies in Literature and Science
- Alexander Lectures
- Alternative Criminology
- America Goes to War
- America In Transition
- America and the Long 19th Century
- America in the Nineteenth Century
- American Business, Politics, and Society
- American Civilization
- American Composers
- American Culture
- American Encounters/Global Interactions
- American Folklore Society Bibliographical and Special Series
- American Folklore Society Memoir Series
- American Governance: Politics, Policy, and Public Law
- American History and Culture
- American Indian Catholics
- American Indian Lives
- American Institutions and Society
- American Literary Scholarship
- American Literatures Initiative
- American Lives
- American Music Series
- American Philosophy
- American Philosophy (FUP)
- American Poetry Recovery Series
- American Studies Series
- American Subjects
- American Transnationalism: Perspectives from the Sheldon Museum of Art
- American West in the Twentieth Century
- American Women Writers
- Americans Who Tell the Truth
- America’s Public Lands
- Amish Country Mysteries
- An Administrative History of the Johnson Presidency
- An Economic Policy Institute Book
- An Israel Studies Book
- Anatomy
- Ancient Commentators on Aristotle
- Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize
- Andy Hayes Mysteries
- Animals Culture And Society
- Animals Q & A
- Animals and Ethics
- Animals in Context
- Anniversary Collection
- Annotated Secondary Bibliography Series on English Literature in Transition, 1880–1920
- Anthropological Horizons
- Anthropological Insights
- Anthropologies of American Medicine: Culture, Power, and Practice
- Anthropology of Contemporary North America
- Anthropology of Policy
- Aperçus: Histories Texts Cultures
- Applied Virtuality Book Series
- Applying Psychology in the Schools Series
- Arab and Islamic Studies
- Archaeology, Culture, and Society
- Architectural Signatures Canada
- Architecture | Technology | Culture
- Architecture, Landscape and Amer Culture
- Ars et Scientia
- Art After Nature
- Art History Publication Initiative
- Articulations: Studies in Race, Immigration, and Capitalism
- Arts Insights Series
- Arts and Politics of the Everyday
- Arts du verre / Glass Art / Glaskunst
- Asia East by South
- Asia Pacific Legal Culture and Globalization
- Asia Society
- Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society
- Asian America
- Asian American Experience
- Asian American History & Cultu
- Asian American Sociology
- Asian American Studies Today
- Asian Canadian Studies
- Asian Law Series
- Asian Religions and Cultures
- Asian Religions and Society
- Aspects of Greek and Roman Life
- At Table
- At the Polls
- Atopia: Philosophy, Political Theory, Aesthetics
- Aviation Classics
- a Camera Obscura book
- a Cultural Politics book
- a John Hope Franklin Center Book
- a Public Culture book
- a Social Text book
- a boundary 2 book
- a positions book
- B
- Bach Perspectives
- Baker Series in Peace and Conflict Studies
- Barker Texas History Center Series
- Baseball Encyclopedias Of Nort
- Baseball In America
- Basics
- Battlegrounds: Cornell Studies in Military History
- Bauhaus Earth Essays
- Bauhaus Earth Manuals
- Bauwelt Fundamente
- Beauvoir Series
- Beethoven Sketchbook Series
- Behaviorally Informed Organizations
- Behind the Silver Screen Series
- Berkeley Forum in the Humanities
- Best from American Literature
- Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie
- Beyond Armageddon
- Bible through the Ages
- Biblical Literature
- Bicentennial Reflections on the French Revolution
- Binah Yitzrit Foundation Series in Israel Studies
- Bioethics and the Humanities
- Biographies for Young Readers
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biopolitics
- Bison Classic Editions
- Bison Frontiers of Imagination
- Black Feminism on the Edge
- Black Internationalism
- Black Outdoors: Innovations in the Poetics of Study
- Black Power
- Black Print and Organizing in the Long Nineteenth Century
- Blacks in the Diaspora
- Blacks in the New World
- Blessed Pope John XXIII Lecture Series in Theology and Culture
- Blue Light Books
- Board of International Research in Design
- Body, Commodity, Text
- Books for Nourishing Friendships Series
- Books from Differences
- Border Hispanisms
- Border Lines
- Bordering Religions: Concepts, Conflicts, and Conversations
- Borderlands and Transcultural Studies
- Borderlines
- Boston University Studies in Philosophy and Religion
- Brad and Michele Moore Roots Music Series
- Break Away Books
- Brenda and David McLean Canadian Studies
- Brown Democracy Medal
- Bucknell Studies in Latin American Literature and Theory
- Buell Center Books in the History and Theory of American Architecture
- Buros Desk Reference
- Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook
- Bücher zur Stadtbaukunst
- best of DETAIL
- C
- CERES: Rutgers Studies in History
- CHORA: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture
- CMAS Border & Migration Studies Series
- CMAS History, Culture, and Society Series
- CMAS Mexican American Monograph
- CMES Middle East Monograph Series
- CMES Modern Middle East Literatures in Translation
- CMES Modern Middle East Series
- Cambridge Centre of African Studies Series
- Campos Ibéricos: Bucknell Studies in Iberian Literatures and Cultures
- Canada Among Nations
- Canada Among Nations Series
- Canada and International Relations
- Canada: The State of the Federation
- Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs
- Canadian Association of Geographers Series in Canadian Geography
- Canadian Cinema
- Canadian Democratic Audit
- Canadian Essentials
- Canadian Insurance Claims Directory
- Canadian Modern
- Canadian Plays
- Canadian Public Administration Series
- Canadian Social History Series
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law
- Carework in a Changing World
- Carleton Contemporary Series
- Carleton Library Series
- Carnegie Museum
- Cather Studies
- Catholic Ideas for a Secular World
- Catholic Practice in North America
- Catholic Practice in the Americas
- Catholic Schools and the Common Good
- Catholic Social Tradition
- Celebrating the Jewish Year
- Center For Korea Studies Publications
- Center for Documentary Studies/Honickman First Book Prize in Photography
- Central Asia Book Series
- Central Problems of Philosophy
- Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts
- Ceramics Handbooks
- Changing American Series
- Charles N. Prothro Texana Series
- Chaucer Bibliographies
- Chemical Sciences in Society
- Chicana Matters
- Children and Youth in America
- Chinese Literature in Translation
- Chinese in Context Language Learning Series
- Christian Arabic Texts in Translation
- Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity
- Cinematheque Ontario Monographs
- Cities and Communities of the Etruscans
- Citizenship and Migration in the Americas
- City of Promises
- Civil War in the Great Interior
- Class in America
- Classic Tales for Modern Kids
- Classics of Asian American Literature
- Classics of Chinese Thought
- Classics of Tlingit Oral Literature
- Clay Sanskrit Library
- Clinical Companions
- Clinical Health Psychology Series
- Clinical Supervision Essentials Series
- Coaching Successfully
- Coaching Youth Sports
- Cognitive Approaches to Literature and Culture Series
- Cold War International History Project
- Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle
- Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan
- Collected Works of E.J.Pratt
- Collected Works of Erasmus
- Collected Works of George Grant
- Collected Works of Jacques Maritain
- Collected Works of John Stuart Mill
- Collected Works of Northrop Frye
- Collection on Technology and Work
- Color Your Campus
- Color atlas dent med
- Comedy & Culture
- Comics Culture
- Commentators' Bible
- Common Threads
- Commonalities
- Communication, Strategy, and Politics
- Communications and Media Studies
- Communications, Media, and Culture Series
- Companions to Medieval Studies
- Comparative Charting of Social Change
- Comparative Studies in History, Institutions, and Public Policy
- Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions
- Comparative and International Working-Class History
- Comparitive American Cities
- Complete Conditioning for Sports
- Comprehensive History of the Holocaust
- Comstock Classic Handbooks
- Concise Guides on Trauma Care Series
- Concise Guides to Conducting Behavioral, Health, and Social Science Research Series
- Conduct and Communication
- Conference on Editorial Problems
- Conflicts In Urban & Regional
- Confluencias
- Conjunctions of Religion and Power in the Medieval Past
- Connected Histories of the Middle East and the Global South
- Connected Youth and Digital Futures
- Console-ing Passions
- Constitutional Conflicts
- Constructs Series
- Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Contemporary Ethnography
- Contemporary European Politics and Society
- Contemporary Film Directors
- Contemporary Holocaust Studies
- Contemporary Indian Studies
- Contemporary Indigenous Issues
- Contemporary Irish Writers
- Contemporary Issues in Asia and the Pacific
- Contending Modernities
- Contestations
- Contradictions of Modernity
- Contraversions: Jews and Other Differences
- Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies
- Cornell French Studies Series
- Cornell History of Science
- Cornell Hospitality Management: Best Practices
- Cornell International Industrial and Labor Relations Reports
- Cornell Modern Indonesia Project
- Cornell Program in Herpetology
- Cornell Series in Arthropod Biology
- Cornell Series in Environmental Education
- Cornell Series on Land: New Perspectives on Territory, Development, and Environment
- Cornell Studies in Anthropology
- Cornell Studies in Civil Liberties
- Cornell Studies in Classical Philology
- Cornell Studies in Comparative History
- Cornell Studies in Industrial and Labor Relations
- Cornell Studies in Money
- Cornell Studies in Political Economy
- Cornell Studies in Security Affairs
- Cornell Studies in the History of Psychiatry
- Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion
- Cornerstones of Military History
- Corpus Juris: The Humanities in Politics and Law
- Correspondance générale d'Helvétius
- Counterpoints: Music and Education
- Creative Nonfiction
- Crime, Law & Deviance Series
- Crip
- Crises in World Politics
- Critical America
- Critical American Studies
- Critical Authors and Issues
- Critical Caribbean Studies
- Critical Conditions: Field Day Essays and Monographs
- Critical Cultural Communication
- Critical Dialogues in Southeast Asian Studies
- Critical Ethnic Studies and Visual Culture
- Critical Filipinx Studies
- Critical Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography
- Critical Graphics
- Critical Histories
- Critical Issues in American Education
- Critical Issues in Crime and Society
- Critical Issues in Health and Medicine
- Critical Issues in Sport and Society
- Critical Perspectives On The P
- Critical Perspectives in Criminology
- Critical Perspectives on Crime and Law
- Critical Perspectives on Public Affairs
- Critical Perspectives on Youth
- Critical Problems in History
- Critical Race, Indigeneity, and Relationality
- Critical Studies in Italian America
- Critical Studies in Italian Migrations
- Critical Studies in Risk and Disaster
- Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology
- Critical War Studies
- Culinaria
- Cultural Critique
- Cultural Critique Books
- Cultural Dialectics
- Cultural Front
- Cultural Geographies + Rewriting the Earth
- Cultural Memory in the Present
- Cultural Sitings
- Cultural Spaces
- Cultural Studies of Delaware and the Eastern Shore
- Cultural Studies of the Americas
- Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Psychology Series
- Culture And The Moving Image
- Culture and Economic Life
- Culture and Society after Socialism
- Culture of Cities Series
- Culture, Labor, History
- Culture, Place, and Nature
- Currencies: New Thinking for Financial Times
- Current History
- Cushwa Center Studies of Catholicism in Twentieth-Century America
- Cushwa Studies in American Catholicism
- Cutaways
- consent not to be a single being
- D
- D/C: Dis/color
- DETAIL Construction Manuals
- DETAIL Green Books
- DETAIL Practice
- DETAIL Praxis
- DETAIL Special
- DETAIL engineering
- DKV-Edition
- DKV-Kunstführer
- Daily Life
- Dante's World: Historicizing Literary Cultures of the Due and Trecento
- De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance
- De Gruyter Studies in Corporate Governance
- De Gruyter Studies in Finance
- De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Debates in the Digital Humanities
- Decade of Behavior
- Decade of Behavior Series
- Decolonizing Feminisms
- Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism
- Democracy, Diversity, and Citizen Engagement Series
- Democracy, Free Enterprise, and the Rule
- Democratic Marxisms
- Design Principles for Teaching History
- Detail Atlas
- Detours
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography
- Die Burgen des Elsass / Geschichte und Architektur
- Difference Incorporated
- Digital Futures
- Digital Game Studies
- Dimensions: Islam, Muslims, and Critical Thought
- Disability Culture and Politics
- Disability Histories
- Discover the Great Plains
- Discovering America
- Disruptive Cartographers: Doing Theology Latinamente
- Dissident Acts
- Dissident Feminisms
- Distinguished Speaker Series
- Distinguished Speakers Series
- Distributed for the Country Music Foundation Press
- Distributed for the Illinois Natural History Survey
- Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds
- Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion
- Division 16: Applying Psychology in the Schools
- Documents in American Social History
- Documents in Canadian Architecture
- Donald McGannon Communication Research Center's Everett C. Parker Book Series
- Drama and Performance Studies
- Draw-It-Yourself Coloring Books
- Drill Book
- Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Duke Press Global Issues Series
- Duke Press Policy Studies
- Duke Studies in Political Psychology
- Duke University Center for International Studies Publications
- E
- Early American Places
- Early American Studies
- Early Cinema in Review: Proceedings of Domitor
- Early Modern Cultural Studies
- Eastern African Studies
- Economic Policy Institute
- Edition Angewandte
- Edition Voldemeer
- Edward E. Elson Classic
- Electronic Mediations
- Elements
- Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies Series
- Elma Dill Russell Spencer Foundation Series
- Emerging Frontiers in the Global Economy
- Emerging Voices from the Middle East
- Emil and Kathleen Sick Book Series in Western History and Biography
- Emilio Goggio Publications Series
- Empire and After
- Employment Stabilization Research Inst
- Encapsulations: Critical Comics Studies
- Encountering Traditions
- Encounters with Asia
- Encounters: Cultural Histories
- Encounters: Explorations in Folklore and Ethnomusicology
- Engendering Latin America
- English Manuscript Studies
- English Throug Pictures
- Environment Human Condition
- Environment and Region in the American West
- Environmental Ethics Values An
- Equality | Security | Community
- Erasmus Institute Books
- Erasmus Studies
- Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry
- Errantries
- Essays in the History of Canadian Law
- Essential Asia Series
- Essential Bibliography Series
- Essential Papers on Jewish Studies
- Essential Papers on Psychoanalysis
- Essentials of Deliberate Practice
- Essentials of Deliberate Practice Series
- Essentials of Qualitative Methods
- Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series
- Ethics And Action
- Ethics of Everyday Life
- Ethnic History of Chicago
- Ethnicity and Democratic Governance
- Ethnomusicology Multimedia
- Europe and the World in Age of Expansion
- European Identities and Transcultural Exchange
- European Union Studies
- European Women Writers
- Everywoman: Studies in History, Literature, and Culture
- Ex Machina: Law, Technology, and Society
- Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece
- Expanding Frontiers: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
- Experimental Futures
- Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge
- Exploring Architecture
- Exploring Jewish Arts and Culture
- Extraordinary Women in Psychology Series
- Extraordinary World
- Exxon Lecture Series
- e-flux
- e-flux Architecture
- ethnoGRAPHIC
- F
- Fabriks: Studies in the Working Class
- Faith in Reason: Philosophical Enquiries
- Families in Focus
- Families, Law, and Society
- Farbatlanten engl.
- Feel Better Books for Little Kids Series
- Feminist Crosscurrents
- Feminist Cultural Studies, the Media, and Political Culture
- Feminist Media Studies
- Feminist Studies and Media Culture
- Feminist Technosciences
- Fesler-Lampert Minnesota Heritage
- Fields of Governance: Policy Making in Canadian Municipalities
- Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture
- Find Out Files Series
- First Nations Languages
- First Peoples: New Directions in Indigenous Studies
- Flyover Fiction
- Focus on American History Series
- Focused for Sport
- Folklore Studies in Multicultural World
- Folklore Studies in Translation
- Folklore Today
- Folklore and Folklife
- Folklore and Society
- Folkloristics
- Folktales of the Jews
- Fontanus Monograph Series
- Food Systems and Agrarian Change
- Footprints Series
- Fordham Series in Medieval Studies
- Fordyce W. Mitchel Memorial Lecture Series
- Foreign Policy, Security and Strategic Studies
- Forensic Practice in Psychology Series
- Forerunners: Ideas First
- Forms of Living
- Fourth World Rising
- Frameworks for Writing
- Framing the Global
- France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization
- Frank M. Covey, Jr., Loyola Lectures in Political Analysis
- Frank W. Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference Series
- Franz Boas Papers Documentary Edition
- French Culture & Civilization
- French Modernist Library
- French Voices
- From the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies / Kroc Institute Series on Religion,
- From the Vatican Observatory Foundation
- Frontiers of Global Governance
- Frontiers of Narrative
- Frye Studies
- Fundamentals of Clinical Practice With Couples and Families
- Fundamentals of Clinical Practice With Couples and Families Series
- Fundamentals of Consulting Psychology Series
- Future Anterior
- G
- GAM - Graz Architecture Magazine
- Gandharan Buddhist Texts
- Gemeinwohl bauen
- Gender Family And The Law
- Genders
- Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights
- Geopolitics of Information
- German Jewish Cultures
- German and European Studies
- Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur
- Gethsemani Studies in Psychological and Religious Anthropology
- Glass Handbooks
- Global African Voices
- Global Competition Law and Economics
- Global Dialogue on Federalism Booklet Series
- Global Ethics and Politics
- Global Film Directors
- Global Insecurities
- Global Media and Race
- Global Perspectives on Aging
- Global Re-Visions
- Global South Asia
- Global Studies of the United States
- Global Suburbanisms
- Global Youth
- Global and Insurgent Legalities
- Globalization and Autonomy
- Globalization and Community
- Globalization in Everyday Life
- Goldstein-Goren Series in American Jewish History
- Gorgas Science Foundation, Inc., Treasures of Nature Series
- Governance and Public Management
- Government Control of the Economic Order
- Great Campaigns of the Civil War
- Great Plains Photography
- Green College Thematic Lecture Series
- Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology
- Große DKV-Kunstführer
- H
- HSBC Bank Canada Papers on Asia
- Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture
- Hagop Kevorkian Series NE Art
- Hands-On Guides for Therapists
- Haney Foundation Series
- Harbinger Poetry Series
- Harry Ransom Center Photography Series
- Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center Imprint Series
- Health Society And Policy
- Health and Medicine Series
- Health and Medicine in American Society
- Health, Society, and Inequality
- Heartland Foodways
- Heartland History
- Hegemony and Experience
- Heritage
- Herzliya Series on Personality and Social Psychology
- High Reliability and Crisis Management
- Higher Education, Place, and Social Responsibility
- Hispanisms
- Historia USA
- Historical Archaeology of the American West
- Historical Performance
- Histories and Cultures of Tourism
- Histories of American Education
- Histories of Anthropology Annual
- Histories of Scandinavian Literature
- History and the Public
- History of Emotions
- History of Military Occupation
- History of Political Economy Annual Supplement
- History of Science Series
- History of War
- History of the American West
- History, Languages, and Cultures of the Spanish and Portuguese Worlds
- Hogg Foundation Monograph Series
- Hollis Summers Poetry Prize
- How Canadians Communicate
- How Ottawa Spends Series
- Hudson Valley Heritage
- Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series
- Human Brain Development Series
- Human Dimensions in Foreign Policy, Military Studies, and Security Studies
- Human Settlement Issues
- Humanities Labortory
- I
- ILR Bulletin
- IPAC Series in Public Management and Governance
- ISAW Monographs
- Icons of Horror
- Ideas and Action Series
- Ideas in Action
- Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory
- Illinois Byzantine Studies
- Illinois History of Sports
- Illinois Medieval Studies
- Illinois Poetry Series
- Illinois Studies in Communication
- Illustrated
- Im Fokus
- Image Word Action / Bild Wort Aktion / Imago Sermo Actio
- Imaginarien der Kraft
- Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice
- In Search of Media
- In Vivo: The Cultural Mediations of Biomedical Science
- Index Emblematicus
- Indian Ocean Studies Series
- Indiana Masterpiece Editions
- Indiana Natural Science
- Indiana Repertoire Guides
- Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion
- Indiana University Center on Philanthropy Series in Governance
- Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies
- Indians of the Southeast
- Indigenous Americas
- Indigenous Confluences
- Indigenous Education
- Indigenous Films
- Indonesia Journal
- Inequalities
- Inequality at Work: Perspectives on Race, Gender, Class, and Labor
- Information
- Innovation and Technology in the World Economy
- Innovation, Creativity, and Governance in Canadian City-Regions
- Innovation, Science, Environment Series
- Inspiring the Next Game
- Institute of Child Welfare, Monograph
- Institutional Ethnography
- Insubordinate Spaces
- Intellectual History of the Modern Age
- Inter-America Series
- Interactive Dance Series
- Interdisciplinary Studies in History
- Intergovernmental Relations Series
- International Humanitarian Affairs
- International Informatics Series
- International Nietzsche Studies
- International Social Survey Programme
- International Themes and Issues
- Interp Culture New Millennium
- Intersectionality
- Intersections
- Intoxicating Histories
- Introductions to Mormon Thought
- Inventions: Black Philosophy, Politics, Aesthetics
- Irish Culture, Memory, Place
- Irish in America
- Irvine Studies in the Humanities
- Islandica
- Issues in Distance Education
- Issues in Twenty-First Century Warfare
- Issues in the History of American Foreign Relations
- J
- JOVIS research
- JPS Anthologies of Jewish Thought
- JPS Bible Commentary
- JPS Daily Inspiration
- JPS Desk Reference
- JPS Essential Judaism
- JPS Study Bible
- JPS Torah Commentary
- JUGENDSTIL! Schriftenreihe Ferdinand Wolfgang und Danielle Neess
- James A. Michener Fiction Series
- James Scarth Gale Library of Korean Literature
- Japan and Global Society
- Jenna Murphy Mysteries
- Jerry Malloy Prize
- Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices
- Jewish Community Series
- Jewish Culture and Contexts
- Jewish Cultures of the World
- Jewish Literature and Culture
- Jewish Lives in Poland
- Jewish Studies in the Twenty-First Century
- Jewish Writing in the Contemporary World
- Jews in Eastern Europe
- Jews of Eastern Europe
- Joanne Goodman Lectures
- John W. Houck Notre Dame Series in Business Ethics
- Junctures: Case Studies in Women's Leadership
- Jurists: Profiles in Legal Theory
- Just Ideas
- Justice and Social Inquiry
- Justice, Inequality, and the Digital World
- K
- Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development
- Kenneth J Arrow Lectures
- Key Concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics
- Key Contemporary Thinkers
- Key Issues
- Key Issues of the Civil War Era
- Key Words in Jewish Studies
- Keywords
- Kid Confident: Middle Grade Shelf Help
- Kid Confident: Middle Grade Shelf Help Series
- Kids' Catalog
- Kinsey Institute Series
- Kintop Studies in Early Cinema
- Kleine Reihe Villa Hügel
- Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt
- Korean Studies of the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
- Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten
- Königliche Schlösser in Berlin, Potsdam und Brandenburg
- L
- LERA Research Volume
- LERA Research Volumes
- LGBTQ Politics
- LLILAS Critical Reflections on Latin America Series
- LLILAS Latin American Monograph Series
- LLILAS New Interpretations of Latin America Series
- LLILAS Special Publications
- LLILAS Symposia on Latin America Series
- LLILAS Translations from Latin America Series
- La collection Louis J. Robichaud/The Louis J. Robichaud Series
- Labor And Social Change
- Labor In Crisis
- Labour Across Borders
- Landmark Cases in Canadian Law
- Language and the Human Lifespan Series
- Lateral Exchanges: Architecture, Urban Development, and Transnational Practices
- Latin America Otherwise
- Latin America in Translation
- Latin American Literature in Translation
- Latin American Women Writers
- Latin American and Caribbean Arts and Culture Publication Initiative, Mellon Foundation
- Latina/o Sociology
- Latinidad: Transnational Cultures in the United States
- Latino Perspectives
- Latinoamericana
- Latinos in Chicago and Midwest
- Latinx: The Future Is Now
- Laura Shannon Series in French Medieval Studies
- Law and Legal Series
- Law and Public Policy: Psychology and the Social Sciences Series
- Law and Society
- Law in Social Context
- Law in the American West
- Law, Society, and Culture in China
- Laws Of Life Symposia Series
- Leben in Bildern
- Legacies of Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers
- Legal Dimensions
- Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies Series
- Letters of Benjamin Disraeli
- Library of Arabic Literature
- Library of Indiana Classics
- Library of Religious Philosophy
- Life in Performance
- Life of the Past
- Lightning Rod Press
- Lit Z
- Literary Modernism
- Literature and Psychoanalysis
- Literature of American Labor
- Liu Institute Series in Chinese Christianities
- Lives of Women in Science
- Living with the Shore
- Lonergan Studies
- Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library
- Loyola Topics in Political Philosophy
- Lubin Memorial Lectures
- M
- M. K. Brown Range Life Series
- MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching
- MMPI-2 Monographs
- MMPI-A Monographs
- Many Wests
- Maping Racisms
- Mariner10
- Mary and Tim Gray Series for the Study of Catholic Higher Education
- Mason Welch Gross Lecture Series
- Mass Markets: Storyworlds Across Media
- Mastering Martial Arts
- Masters of Latin Literature
- Masterworks of Discovery
- Material Culture
- Material Culture Perspectives
- Material Texts
- Material Vernaculars
- Material Worlds
- Materialität und Produktion
- McGill-Queen's French Atlantic Worlds Series
- McGill-Queen's Iberian and Latin American Cultures Series
- McGill-Queen's Indigenous and Northern Studies
- McGill-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
- McGill-Queen's Rural, Wildland, and Resource Studies
- McGill-Queen's Studies in Early Canada / Avant le Canada
- McGill-Queen's Studies in Ethnic History
- McGill-Queen's Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Social Justice in the Global South
- McGill-Queen's Studies in Modern Islamic Thought
- McGill-Queen's Studies in Protest, Power, and Resistance
- McGill-Queen's Studies in Urban Governance
- McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas
- McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Religion
- McGill-Queen's Transatlantic Studies
- McGill-Queen's/AMS Healthcare Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society
- McGill-Queen's/Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation Studies in Art History
- McGill-Queen's/Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Studies in Leadership, Public Policy, and Gove
- McGill-Queen’s Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies Series
- McGill-Queen’s Philosophy of Religion Series
- McMaster Old English Studies and Texts
- Meaning Systems
- Mechademia
- Mechademia: Second Arc
- Media Matters
- Medical Anthropology
- Medical Ethics
- Medieval Academy Books
- Medieval Cultures
- Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies
- Medieval Societies, Religions, and Cultures
- Meisterwerke /Masterpieces
- Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society
- Memorable Teams in Baseball History
- Memories of War
- Mental and Cultural World of Tudor and Stuart England
- Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics
- Messenger Lectures
- Mestizo Spaces / Espaces Métissés
- Metropolitan Portraits
- Michael Psellos in Translation
- Middle East Studies
- Midwest Archaeological Perspectives
- Midwest Studies in Philosophy
- Midwestern History and Culture
- Military Controversies
- Military Profiles
- Millenial Shift
- Miller Center of Public Affairs Books
- Mingling Voices Series
- Minnesota Drama Editions
- Minnesota Library on American Writers
- Minnesota Library on Student Personnel Work
- Minnesota Publications in the Humanities
- Minnesota Studies in Plant Science
- Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science
- Minoritarian Aesthetics
- MoMA Primary Documents
- Modern African Writing
- Modern America
- Modern Jewish Masters
- Modern Masters of Science Fiction
- Moral Philosophy and Moral Theology
- Most Wanted™
- Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the Americas (MELA)
- Munk Series on Global Affairs
- Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel - Wissenschaftliche Reihe
- Music Matters
- Music Scholarship and Performance
- Music and the Early Modern Imagination
- Music in American Life
- Music, Nature, Place
- Musical Meaning and Interpretation
- Muslim International
- Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society
- Myth and Poetics
- Myth and Poetics II
- N
- NCS Studies in the Age of Chaucer
- NIU Series in Orthodox Christian Studies
- NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
- NIU Series on Drugs and Alcohol
- NIU Southeast Asian Series
- NOMOS - American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy
- NSCA Science of Strength & Conditioning
- NSCA Sport Performance
- NWSA / UIP First Book Prize
- NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis
- NYU Studies in NE Civilization
- Nahuatl studies series ;
- Naomi B. Pascal Editor's Endowment
- Narrating Native Histories
- Nation of Nations
- National Poetry Series
- National and Ethnic Conflict in the 21st Century
- Native Art of the Pacific Northwest: A Bill Holm Center Series
- Native Literatures of the Americas and Indigenous World Literatures
- Native Storiers: A Series of American Narratives
- Nature and Culture in America
- Nature | History | Society
- Nature, Society, and Culture
- Nebraska Symposium on Motivation
- Neurosurgical Operative Atlas
- New African Histories
- New Americanists
- New Anthropologies of Europe
- New Approaches to Appalachian Studies
- New Approaches to Midwestern Studies
- New Black Studies Series
- New Cultural Studies
- New Directions in International Studies
- New Directions in National Cinemas
- New Directions in Scandinavian Studies
- New Directions in the History of Education
- New Ecologies for the Twenty-First Century
- New Hispanisms
- New Japanese Horizons
- New Jewish Philosophy and Thought
- New Landscapes in Middle East Studies
- New Netherland Institute Studies
- New Perspectives in Crime, Deviance, and Law
- New Perspectives on Gender in Music
- New Perspectives on Jewish Studies
- New Slant: Religion, Politics, Ontology
- New Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
- New Studies in the Age of Goethe
- New Threats to Freedom Series
- New Visions in Native American and Indigenous Studies
- New York Masterpieces, Revealed
- New York Voices
- New and Alternative Religions
- Newark Museum - Seeing America
- Next Wave Provocations
- Next Wave: New Directions in Women's Studies
- Nordic Film Classics
- Nordic Voices
- North American Indian Prose Award
- North American Religions
- Notizen zu Uecker
- Notre Dame Advances in Education
- Notre Dame Conferences in Medieval Studies
- Notre Dame History of Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.
- Notre Dame Review Book Prize
- Notre Dame Series in Great Books
- Notre Dame Studies in African Theology
- Notre Dame Studies in American Catholicism
- Notre Dame Studies in Ethics and Culture
- Notre Dame Studies in Law and Contemporary Issues
- Notre Dame Studies in Medical Ethics and Bioethics
- Notre Dame Studies in Theology
- Notre Dame Studies in the Philosophy of Religion
- Notre Dame Texts in Medieval Culture
- O
- OPEL: Open Paths to Enriched Learning
- Objects/Histories
- Ohio
- Ohio Bicentennial Series
- Ohio Short Histories of Africa
- Ohio University Sport Management Series
- Olamot Series in Humanities and Social Sciences
- On African Poetry
- On Campus
- On Decoloniality
- Once Upon a Garden Series
- Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought
- Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History
- Other Voices of Italy
- Ottomanica: Voices, Sources, Perspectives
- Our Lives: Diary, Memoir, and Letters Series
- Our Sustainable Future
- Outdoor Lives
- Outspoken
- Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight
- Oyster
- P
- PLAC: Political Lessons from American Cities
- Pacific Northwest Poetry Series
- Pacific Rim Archaeology
- Panofsky-Professur ... am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München
- Papers of William Penn
- Parallel Futures
- Past Light on Present Life: Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality
- Pedagogy and Cultural Practice
- Penn Greek Drama Series
- Penn Studies in Contemporary American Fiction
- Penn Studies in Landscape Architecture
- Pennsylvania History
- Pennsylvania Paperbacks
- Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights
- Pension Research Council Publications
- People and the Environment
- People for Our Time
- Performance and American Cultures
- Performing Celebrity
- Persian Gulf Studies
- Personal Narratives of the West
- Personal Takes
- Perspectives
- Perspectives in Continental Philosophy
- Perspectives on Global Health
- Perspectives on Israel Studies
- Perspectives on Political Violence
- Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity Series
- Perspectives on the Art and Architectural History of the United States Capitol
- Perspectives on the History of Congress, 1789–1801
- Perspectives on the History of Congress, 1801–1877
- Perspectives on the Sixties series
- Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe
- Philadelphia Voices, Philadelphia Vision
- Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies
- Philip and Muriel Berman Edition
- Philosophy Now
- Philosophy and Postcoloniality
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy of Technology
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Presocractic Series
- Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
- Photographic Histories
- Pine Street Books
- Pinpoints
- Pippin Teacher's Library
- Place, Culture, and Politics
- Poetics of Orality and Literacy
- Poets Out Loud
- Polar Studies
- Police/Worlds: Studies in Security, Crime, and Governance
- Policy & Politics In Industria
- Polis Center Series on Religion and Urban Culture
- Polis: Fordham Series in Urban Studies
- Polish and Polish-American Studies Series
- Political Development: Comparative Perspectives
- Political Economy of Austrian School
- Politics History & Social Chan
- Politics and Culture in Modern America
- Politics and Governments of the American States
- Politics and International Relations of Southeast Asia
- Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts
- Politics, History, and Culture
- Pop Culture and Politics Asia PA
- Possible Futures
- Post*45
- Post-Contemporary Interventions
- Posthumanities
- Postmillennial Pop
- Postwestern Horizons
- Potomac's Paperback Classics
- Power Play: Games, Politics, Culture
- Power, Politics, and the World
- Practices
- Pragmatic Interfaces
- Prairie State Books
- Princ. Pract. Clin. Res
- Procedural Aspects of International Law
- Profiles in Popular Music
- Project of the Bergen County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs
- Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles
- Provocations
- Proximities
- Psychoanalysis and Social Theory
- Psychoanalytic Crossroads
- Psychoanalytic Interventions
- Psychological Assessment Series
- Psychologists in Independent Practice Series
- Psychology and Crime
- Psychology and the Law
- Psychology in Latin America
- Psychology of Women Series
- Psychology, Crime, and Justice Series
- Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa
- Public Express Religion America
- Public Planet Books
- Public Policy Series
- Public Worlds
- Publications in Medieval Studies
- Publications of the American Folklore Society
- Publications of the Early Music Institute
- Publications on Global Health, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
- Publicly Engaged Scholars: Identities, Purposes, Practices
- Published in cooperation with Folger Shakespeare Library
- Published in cooperation with the Folger Shakespeare Library
- Puerto Rican Studies
- Purich's Aboriginal Issues Series
- Q
- R
- RICH: Reprints in Canadian History
- RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia
- RIREC Project on Post-Accord Peacebuilding
- RSART: Renaissance Society of America Reprint Text Series
- Race and Ethnicity in the American West
- Race, Gender, and Science
- RaceB4Race: Critical Race Studies of the Premodern
- RaceReligion
- Radcases Plus Q&A
- Radical Américas
- Radical Conservatisms
- Radical Novel Reconsidered
- Radical Perspectives
- Railroads Past and Present
- Raritan Skiff Books
- ReFormations: Medieval and Early Modern
- Reading Women Writing
- Reading the Scriptures
- Readings in African Studies
- Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures
- Readings in Social & Political Theory
- Reappraisals in Jewish Social History
- Reconstructing America
- Records of Early English Drama
- Recovering Languages and Literacies of the Americas
- Refigurationen
- Refiguring American Music
- Reflexe der immateriellen und materiellen Kultur
- Regendering the Past
- Regents Critics
- Reinventions of the Paris Commune
- Religion and American Public Life
- Religion and Conflict
- Religion and Social Transformation
- Religion and the Human
- Religion in North America
- Religion, Race, and Ethnicity
- Religious Cultures of African and African Diaspora People
- Religious Engagement in Democratic Politics
- Research in International Studies, Africa Series
- Research in International Studies, Global and Comparative Studies
- Research in International Studies, Latin America Series
- Research in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series
- Research in Outdoor Education
- Restoring Women to History
- Rethinking Canada in the World
- Rethinking the Americas
- Rethinking the Middle Ages
- Revisions: A Series of Books on Ethics
- Rhetoric and Society
- Richard Sullivan Prize in Short Fiction
- River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize
- Rivergate Regionals Collection
- Robson Classical Lectures
- Roger Fullington Series in Architecture
- Rotman-UTP Publishing - Business and Sustainability
- Rupert's Land Record Society Series
- Russian Music Studies
- Rutgers Depth of Field Series
- Rutgers Films in Print series
- Rutgers Global Health
- Rutgers Series in Childhood Studies
- Rutgers Series on Human Evolution
- Rutgers Series on Women and Politics
- Rutgers Series: The Public Life of the Arts
- Rutgers Studies on Race and Ethnicity
- S
- SHAPE America set the Standard
- STS (Steps to Success Activity
- Sammler, Sammlungen, Sammlungskulturen in Wien und Mitteleuropa
- Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies
- Sandoz Studies
- Scale
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Schriften der Forschungsstelle "Entartete Kunst"
- Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Informelle Kunst
- Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Provenienzforschung, Kunst- und Kulturgutschutzrecht
- Schriftenreihe des Studienzentrums zur Moderne – Bibliothek Herzog Franz von Bayern am Zentralinst
- Science and Cultural Theory
- Science and Society Series
- Science, Technology, and Society
- Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action/Vatican Observatory
- Scientific Traveler
- Screen Decades: American Culture/American Cinema
- Scènes francophones: Studies in French and Francophone Theater
- Secular Studies
- Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw
- Selected Papers of Jane Addams
- Selections from the Writings of Charles S. Peirce
- Senator Keith Davey Lectures
- Sensing Media: Aesthetics, Philosophy, and Cultures of Media
- Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies
- Series Q
- Series in Continental Thought
- Series in Ecology and History
- Series in Human Security
- Series in Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Appalachia
- Series in Victorian Studies
- Series on Employment Policy
- Series on Law, Society, and Politics in the Midwest
- Sexual Cultures
- Sexuality Studies
- Shapers of International History
- Shared: Oral and Public History
- Sign, Storage, Transmission
- Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought
- Signifying on Scriptures
- Singles
- Sinotheory
- Skills & Drills
- Smart Computing Applications
- Social Anthropology in Oceania
- Social Logic of Politics
- Social Movements, Protest and Contention
- Social Science History
- Social Science Research Council
- Social Transformations in American Anthropology
- Society for Historical Archaeology Series in Material Culture
- Something Happened Series
- Sound Matters
- Sound and Meaning: The Roman Jakobson Series in Linguistics and Poetics
- Sound in History
- Soundings: A Series of Books on Ethics, Economics, and Business
- Sources of American Indian Oral Literature
- South Asia Seminar
- South Asia in Motion
- Southern Folklife Collection
- Southwestern & Mexican Photography Series, The Wittliff Collections at Texas State University
- Southwestern Writers Collection Series, Wittliff Collections at Texas State University
- Special Publications of the Folklore Institute, Indiana University
- Special Publications of the Lilly Library
- Spin-Offs
- Spiritual Phenomena
- Spirituality and Mental Health
- Sport Science
- Sport and Society
- Sporting
- Sports Fundamentals
- Sports, Media, and Society
- Square One: First-Order Questions in the Humanities
- Stages
- Stanford British Histories
- Stanford Business Classics
- Stanford Nuclear Age Series
- Stanford Ottoman World Series: Critical Studies in Empire, Nature, and Knowledge
- Stanford Series in Philosophy
- Stanford Social Innovation Review Books
- Stanford Studies in Comparative Race and Ethnicity
- Stanford Studies in Human Rights
- Stanford Studies in International Economics and Development
- Stanford Studies in Jewish History and C
- Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture
- Stanford Studies in Jewish Mysticism
- Stanford Studies in Law and Politics
- Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures
- Stanford Studies in the New Political History
- Stanford Studies on Central and Eastern Europe
- Stanford Text Technologies
- Stanford–Hoover Series on Authoritarianism
- Star Decades: American Culture/American Cinema
- States, People, and the History of Social Change
- Statue of Liberty Ellis Island
- Stephen S. Weinstein Series in Post-Holocaust Studies
- Strength Training for Sport
- Stuart Hall: Selected Writings
- Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus
- Studies In Latin America & Car
- Studies in Administration
- Studies in Ancient Folklore and Popular Culture
- Studies in Angelican History
- Studies in Antisemitism
- Studies in Asian Security
- Studies in Atlantic Canada History
- Studies in Book and Print Culture
- Studies in Canadian Military History
- Studies in Christianity and Judaism
- Studies in Classical Philology
- Studies in Comparative Political Economy And
- Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy
- Studies in Conflict, Justice, and Social Change
- Studies in Continental Thought
- Studies in Early English Drama
- Studies in Economic Dynamics
- Studies in Gender and History
- Studies in Health, Illness, and Caregiving
- Studies in Hungarian History
- Studies in International Policy
- Studies in International Security and Arms Control
- Studies in Jewish Civilization
- Studies in Judaism and Christianity
- Studies in Kant and German Idealism
- Studies in Medical Anthropology
- Studies in Modern Science, Technology, and the Environment
- Studies in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
- Studies in Pacific Worlds
- Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
- Studies in Religion and Literature
- Studies in Science and the Humanities from the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values
- Studies in Sensory History
- Studies in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Art and Culture
- Studies in Social Inequality
- Studies in Soviet History and Society
- Studies in Spirituality and Theology
- Studies in Sports Media
- Studies in Transgression
- Studies in Violence and Terrorism
- Studies in War, Society, and the Military
- Studies in the Anthropology of Language, Sign, and Social Life
- Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians
- Studies in the Catholic Imagination: The Flannery O'Connor Trust Series
- Studies in the Cinema of the Black Diaspora
- Studies in the Grateful Dead
- Studies in the History of Music Theory and Literature
- Studies in the Humanities
- Studies in the Modern Presidency
- Studies in the Native Languages of the Americas
- Studies of General Education
- Studies of Jews in Society
- Studies of World Migrations
- Studies of economic growth in industrialized countries
- Studies of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University
- Studies of the Harriman Institute
- Studies of the Harriman Institute, Columbia University
- Studies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center
- Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
- Studies on Ethnic Groups in China
- Studies on the History of Quebec/Études d'histoire du Québec
- Stuffed Bunny Science Adventure Series
- Subterranean Lives
- Sunsinger Books Illinois Short
- Surrealist Revolution Series
- Survival Guide
- Sustainability and the Environment
- Sustainable Design Solutions from the Pacific Northwest
- Switchgrass Books
- Symbol, Myth and Ritual
- Symploke Studies in Contemporary Theory
- Symposia in the Arts and the Humanities
- signale|TRANSFER: German Thought in Translation
- special issue of GLQ
- T
- THIEME Atlas of Anatomy
- Tabar Mammo
- Taiwan and the World
- Tandy Lecture Series, Amon Carter Museum
- Teaching Archaeology: Case Studies in Research and the Culture of Fieldwork
- Teaching Culture: UTP Ethnographies for the Classroom
- Teaching/Learning Social Justi
- Techniques of the Moving Image
- Technoscience and Society
- Ted Kooser Contemporary Poetry
- Templeton Science and Religion Series
- Terrific Toddlers Series
- Terry and Jan Todd Series on Physical Culture and Sports
- Tests in Print (Buros)
- Texas Archaeology and Ethnohistory Series
- Texas Classics
- Texas Film and Media Studies Series
- Texas History Paperbacks
- Texas Legal Studies Series
- Texas Linguistics Series
- Texas Natural History Guides
- Texas Pan American Literature in Translation Series
- Texas Pan American Series
- Texas Press Sourcebooks in Anthropology
- Textiles Handbooks
- Texts and Contexts
- Textual Analysis, Discourse and Culture
- Textual Cultures: Theory and Praxis
- The American Campus
- The American Literatures Initiative
- The American Social Experience
- The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought
- The Anthropology of Contemporary Issues
- The Art of the State Series
- The Arts And Their Philosophie
- The Arts and Intellectual Life in Modern America
- The Backwaters Prize in Poetry
- The Backwaters Prize in Poetry Honorable Mention
- The Bass Reeves Trilogy
- The Beginning and the Beyond of Politics
- The C. Eric Lincoln Series on the Black Experience
- The C. L. R. James Archives
- The C.D. Howe Series in Canadian Political History
- The Calendar of Venetian Opera
- The Canada 150 Collection
- The Canadian Experience of War
- The Center for Ethics and Culture Solzhenitsyn Series
- The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute Series on Race and Justice
- The City in the Twenty-First Century
- The Coaching Bible
- The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers
- The Collected Writings of John Sallis
- The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman
- The College Problems Series
- The Community Basis for Postwar Planning
- The Complete Letters of Henry James
- The Complete Potter
- The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche
- The Complete Writings and Selected Correspondence of John Dickinson
- The Cornell Concordances
- The Cornell Wordsworth
- The Cornell Yeats
- The Cultural Lives of Law
- The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work
- The Cultures and Practice of Violence
- The Cutting Edge: Lesbian Life and Literature Series
- The Development of Western Civilization
- The Dreiser Edition
- The Early Modern Americas
- The Early Modern Exchange
- The Easton Lectures
- The Environments of East Asia
- The Erma Konya Kess Lives of the Just and Virtuous Series
- The Ethnography of Political Violence
- The Ethnohistory Series
- The Excavations at Ancient Halieis
- The Feminist Bookshelf: Ideas for the 21st Century
- The Food Series
- The Frank H. Golay Memorial Lectures 2 and 3
- The Future of the Religious Past
- The Geopolitics of Information
- The George Fisher Baker Non-Resident Lectureship in Chemistry at Cornell University
- The Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series
- The Governance of England
- The Griot Project Book Series
- The Helen and Martin Schwartz Lectures in Jewish Studies
- The History of Disability
- The History of Emotions
- The History of Media and Communication
- The Irish in the Civil War
- The Iroquoians and Their World
- The J. Frank Dobie Paperback Library
- The JPS Holiday Anthologies
- The James Alan McPherson Prize for the Novel
- The John Fielding and Lois Lasater Maher Series
- The Johnson-Shoyama Series on Public Policy
- The Katrina Bookshelf
- The Kenneth Michael Tanenbaum Series in Jewish Studies
- The Knox College Lincoln Studies Center
- The L.M. Montgomery Library
- The Lafayette Papers
- The Latin America Readers
- The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures
- The Liberty Hyde Bailey Library
- The Making of Modern Freedom
- The Medieval Book
- The Mexican Experience
- The Middle Ages Series
- The Modern Jewish Experience
- The Modern School Practices Series
- The Moving Image
- The New Academy
- The North's Civil War
- The Northern Forest Atlas Guides
- The Olana Collection
- The Oratory of Classical Greece
- The Owatonna Art Education Project
- The Papers of William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody
- The Pioneers of British Columbia
- The Pragmatic Leadership Series
- The Raz/Shumaker Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Fiction
- The Raz/Shumaker Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry
- The Society for Cinema Studies Translation Series
- The Spatial Humanities
- The Texas Bookshelf
- The UIS Center for Lincoln Studies
- The United States in the World
- The University of Pennsylvania Dreiser Edition
- The Urban Agenda
- The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne
- The Visual Arts of Africa and its Diasporas
- The Warriors
- The West Unbound: Social and Cultural Studies
- The Wilder House Series in Politics, History and Culture
- The Works of Charles Darwin
- The World Readers
- The Year's Work: Studies in Fan Culture and Cultural Theory
- The Zohar: Pritzker Edition
- Thematic Issues in Federalism
- Themes In The History Of Philo
- Themes in Business and Society
- Themes in Canadian History
- Theories of Contemporary Culture
- Theories of Psychotherapy Series®
- Theories of Representation and Difference
- Theory / Culture
- Theory Out of Bounds
- Theory Q
- Theory and History of Literature
- Theory in Forms
- Thieme Illustrated Reviews
- Thinking Out Loud
- Thinking Theory
- Thinking from Elsewhere
- This Hallowed Ground: Guides to Civil War Battlefields
- Thomistic Papers
- Thomistic Studies
- Thought in the Act
- Thresholds in Philosophy and Theology
- Tom Slick World Peace Series, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
- Top 3 Differentials
- Topics in the Digital Humanities
- Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series
- Toronto Iberic
- Toronto Italian Studies
- Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations
- Toronto Old English Studies
- Toronto Old Norse-Icelandic Series (TONIS)
- Toronto Studies in Medieval Law
- Toronto Studies in Philosophy
- Toronto Studies in Semiotics and Communication
- Tracking Globalization
- Traditional Arts of Africa
- Traditions
- Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada
- Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia
- Transformations: Womanist studies
- Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650-1850
- Transnational Cultural Studies
- Transnational Mennonite Studies
- Trends Project
- Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite Studies
- Tup Place Culture & Politics
- Turning Point Elections
- Twentieth-Century Battles
- Two Liturgical Traditions
- U
- U of T Centre for Public Management Series on Public Policy & Administration
- U.S.-China Relations
- UCLA Clark Memorial Library Series
- UTP Insights
- UmBau
- Underground Cultures
- United Nations Intellectual History Project Series
- University of Minnesota Studies in Education
- University of Texas Press Poetry Series
- University of Texas Press Slavic Series
- University of Toronto Romance Series
- Univocal
- Unnatural Acts: Theorizing the Performative
- Updates in Neurocritical Care
- Urban Life, Landscape and Policy
- Urbanization in Asia
- User's Guides to Popular Culture
- V
- Verbal Art: Studies in Poetics
- Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics
- Verflechtung - Aushandlung - Opazität
- Vietnam War Era Classics Series
- Violence Against Women and Children
- Visible Evidence
- Visions of Illinois
- Visual Studies
- Visualidades: Studies in Latin American Visual History
- Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut
- Voices and Memories, Oral Histories from the Center for American History
- Voices in Performance and Text
- Voices of Latin American Life
- W
- WCS Birds of Brazil Field Guides
- War Culture
- War and Militarism in African History
- War and Society in North America
- Warfare and Culture
- Well House Books
- Western African Studies
- Western Geographical Series
- Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books
- Weyerhaeuser Environmental Classics
- Weyerhaueser Cycle of Fire
- What-to-Do Guides for Kids Series
- White Coat Pocket Guide Series
- Wicazo SA Review
- Wide Angle Books
- Willa Cather Scholarly Edition
- William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature
- Women Artists in Film
- Women Composers
- Women Gender and Technology
- Women In The Political Economy
- Women Writers: Texts and Contexts
- Women and Gender in the Early Modern World
- Women and Indigenous Studies
- Women in Religions
- Women in the West
- Women of Letters
- Women's Experience Series
- Women's Writing in English
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History
- Women’s Media History Now!
- Women’s Suffrage and the Struggle for Democracy
- Working Books
- Working Canadians: Books from the CCLH
- Working Class in American History
- World Comics and Graphic Nonfiction Series
- World Philosophies
- World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension
- Worlding the Middle East
- Worlds in Crisis: Refugees, Asylum, and Forced Migration
- Writing Matters!
- Writing Science
- Z