University Press Week 2023

University Press Week 2023 provides an opportunity for presses and their supporters to shout to the rooftops about the value of the essential work of university presses: giving voice to the scholarship and ideas that shape conversations around the world. Through a variety of publications and platforms, university presses and their authors cultivate and amplify a diverse, inclusive, and exhilarating range of research and concepts. 

This year, the members of the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) have chosen #SpeakUP as the theme for the week to celebrate university press work that amplifies thought-provoking concepts, new points of view, and ideas that advocate for social change.

Blog Tour

Be sure to check out the UP Week blog tour, where everyday university presses will explore the #SpeakUP theme with blog posts from staff members, authors, booksellers, and other partners.

Follow us on our Twitter, where we’ll be highlighting the CAP Presses’ stops on the tour.

#SpeakUp Gallery

The books and series chosen by participating member presses represent the many areas in which university presses and their authors #Speak UP – we’ve gathered together the CAP member presses’ choices:

Bayard Rustin

NYU Press

Everyday War

Cornell University Press

Flesh and Spirit

Fordham University Press

Planet Work

Bucknell University Press

Mean Girl Feminism

University of Illinois Press

Bad Blood

University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.

Fictions of Consent

University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.

Scripts of Blackness

University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.

W. E. B. Du Bois Souls of Black Folk

Rutgers University Press

The Jews of Summer

Stanford University Press


Ohio University Press

Consent Culture and Teen Films

Indiana University Press

Generals and Admirals, Criminals and Crooks

University of Notre Dame Press

Settler Cannabis

University of Washington Press

Black Feminist Constellations

University of Texas Press

Also of note: 

Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies (Temple University Press)

South Atlantic Quarterly (Duke University Press)

ReadThinkKnow  – A collection of all of the books and other innovative projects being undertaken by scholars and university presses in Canada (Association of Canadian University Presses).

To explore the rest of the #Speak UP Gallery, click here.