Medieval Studies
Subject Catalogues
Featured titles – medieval studies
Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages
Cornell University Press
The Art and Thought of the "Beowulf" Poet
Cornell University Press
The Avars
Cornell University Press
City of Saints
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Classical Arabic Literature
NYU Press
The Complete Old English Poems
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
The Corrupter of Boys
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Cosmos, Liturgy, and the Arts in the Twelfth Century
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Cultures of Witnessing
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Curing Mad Truths
University of Notre Dame Press
Dante's "Other Works"
University of Notre Dame Press
Dark Age Nunneries
Cornell University Press
Digital Codicology
Stanford University Press
Don't Think for Yourself
University of Notre Dame Press
Duns Scotus's Doctrine of Categories and Meaning
Indiana University Press
The Etiquette of Early Northern Verse
University of Notre Dame Press
A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Fifteenth-Century Lives
University of Notre Dame Press
Fifty Early Medieval Things
Cornell University Press
Forged in the Shadow of Mars
Cornell University Press
Holy Digital Grail
Stanford University Press
Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
How Not to Make a Human
University of Minnesota Press
Inventing the Berbers
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Inventing William of Norwich
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Knights, Lords, and Ladies
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Liturgical Song and Practice in Dante's Commedia
University of Notre Dame Press
Living by the Sword
Cornell University Press
Medieval Badges
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Medieval English Manuscripts and Literary Forms
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Medieval Robots
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Medieval Song from Aristotle to Opera
Cornell University Press
The Mystical Presence of Christ
Cornell University Press
Negotiation and Resistance
Cornell University Press
On the Medieval Structure of Spirituality
Fordham University Press
Pastoral Care and Community in Late Medieval Germany
Cornell University Press
A Pious Belligerence
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Poisoned Wells
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Quick Cattle and Dying Wishes
Cornell University Press
Scents and Flavors
NYU Press
Sonic Bodies
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Sounding the Word of God
University of Notre Dame Press
That Most Precious Merchandise
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Thou Art the Man
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
To Govern Is to Serve
Cornell University Press
Translating Christ in the Middle Ages
University of Notre Dame Press
Visual Translation
University of Notre Dame Press
What Kind of a Thing Is a Middle English Lyric?
University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Whose Middle Ages?
Fordham University Press
Wisdom's Journey
University of Notre Dame Press
The Wolf King
Cornell University Press
Women and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia
World of Echo
Cornell University Press
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali
NYU Press