Introduction: Routing Diasporas / Sukanya Banerjee
Part 1. Interrogating Terms
1. The Middle Passages of Black Migration / Jenny Sharpe
2. Making the Exodus from Algeria "European": Family and Race in 1962 France / Todd Shepard
3. Enslaved Lives, Enslaving Labels: A New Approach to the Colonial Indian Labor Diaspora / Crispin Bates and Marina Carter
Part 2. Maps of Intimacy
4. Empire, Anglo-India, and the Alimentary Canal / Parama Roy
5. Domestic Internationalisms, Imperial Nationalisms: Civil Rights, Immigration, and Conjugal Military Policy / Rachel Ida Buff
Part 3. Nation, Narrative, Diaspora
6. Serial Migration: Stories of Home and Belonging in Diaspora / Lok Siu
7. Building Associations: Nineteenth-Century Monumental Architecture and the Jew in the American Imagination / Martin A. Berger
8. Cultural Forms and World Systems: The Ethnic Epic in the New Diaspora / Betty Joseph
Afterword: Diaspora and the Language of Neoliberalism / Aims McGuinness and Steven C. McKay
List of Contributors