Request a Digital Inspection Copy

Inspection copies for the following publishers will be issued as eBooks by default:

If you’d like to request an inspection copy from one of the below publishers, please go to our Request a Print Inspection Copy page by clicking here.

Digital inspection copy policy

  • Only one title can be requested per submission.
  • Teaching academics can receive up to a maximum of 3 digital inspection copies per semester.
  • Please complete each field correctly and provide as much detail as possible. We are not able to consider requests where required fields have not been filled in accurately.
  • We reserve the right to reject and requests which do not meet the criteria detailed below.
  • If approved, eBook access will be provided for a fixed period until the start date of the module/course that the book is being considered for.
  • A discount code can be issued for books being considered for extended/supplementary reading at our discretion.
  • Please note we cannot supply requests to America or Canada.

Digital inspection copy criteria

Please read our inspection copy criteria in full before submitting your request using the webform at the bottom of this page.

  • The request must be made by teaching staff responsible for setting core reading text
  • The text must be considered for core reading for the course
  • There must be an expectation that an eBook license or at least 10 print copies will be purchased for the university library or bookshop should the title be adopted
  • CAP will only consider digital inspection copy requests:
    • For titles published in the last 3 years
    • For titles that are not already available as an eBook in your library
    • Where the title is relevant to the unit/module it is being considered for
    • For titles that have not already been adopted or added to your reading list
    • Where the requester has committed to providing feedback on the book at a later date
  • Should your request be approved:
    • You will be expected to provide feedback on the title at a later date.

Request form

A webform by Podio