Bringing together in English translation eleven Francophone African plays dating from 1970 to 2021, this essential collection includes satirical portraits of colonizers and their collaborators (Bernard Dadié’s Béatrice du Congo; Sony Labou Tansi’s I, Undersigned, Cardiac Case; Sénouvo Agbota Zinsou’s We’re Just Playing) alongside contemporary works questioning diasporic identity and cultural connections (Koffi Kwahulé’s SAMO: A Tribute to Basquiat and Penda Diouf’s Tracks, Trails, and Traces…). The anthology memorializes the Rwandan genocide (Yolande Mukagasana’s testimony from Rwanda 94), questions the status of women in entrenched patriarchy (Werewere Liking’s Singuè Mura: Given That a Woman…), and follows the life of Elizabeth Nietzsche, who perverted her brother’s thought to colonize Paraguay (José Pliya’s The Sister of Zarathustra). Gustave Akakpo’s The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood and Kossi Efoui’s The Conference of the Dogs offer parables about what makes life livable, while Kangni Alem’s The Landing shows the dangers of believing in a better life, through migration, outside of Africa.
Sylvie Chalaye and Judith G. Miller
1. Béatrice of the Congo by Bernard Dadié
Unless otherwise stated, plays are translated and introduced by Judith G. Miller
2. I, The Undersigned, Cardiac Case by Sony Labou Tansi
Translated and introduced by Subha Xavier and Ninon Vessier
3. Itsembabwoko: “Yolande’s Monologue” by Yolande Mukagasana from Groupow’s Rwanda 94
4. We’re Just Playing by Sénouvo Agbota Zinsou
5. Singuè Mura: Given That a Woman… by Werewere Liking
6. The Sister of Zarathustra by José Pliya
7. The Landing by Kangni Alem
8. The Conference of the Dogs by Kossi Efoui
9. The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood by Gustave Akakpo
10. SAMO: A Tribute to Basquiat by Koffi Kwahulé
11. Tracks, Trails, and Traces… by Penda Diouf
Translated by Amelia Parenteau and introduced by Judith G. Miller
Notes on Contributors