Exordium | xiii
Preamble: The Ineffectual and the Instrumental | 1
1. The ineffectual | 1
2. The instrumental | 4
1 Introduction: What is the Ruse of Techne? | 10
3. The ruse of techne | 10
4. Metaphysical materialism (the metaphysics of morals) |14
5. The reception of Heidegger and the ruse of techne | 16
6. The repression of instrumentality | 31
7. The underground current of a materialism of instrumentality | 35
8. Effects of the ruse of techne (or, why the repression of instrumentality still matters today) | 39
9. On method | 42
2 The Problematic of Action Within a Single, Unified Being: Monism in Heidegger’s Thought | 44
10. Heidegger’s other path | 44
11. The first problem: How to be a different materialist? | 47
12. The second problem: How is action possible within a monist ontology? | 52
13. The third problem: Can monism provide qualitative distinctions between actions? | 55
14. Two kinds of monist materialism | 57
15. Two historical difficulties arising from Heidegger’s solution to the problematic of action in monism | 61
16. The double bind of the repression of instrumentality: Between the vacuous and the self-contradictory | 66
17. Why Heidegger’s solution to the problematic of action in monism matters | 72
3 The Conflation of Causality and Instrumentality: Phronesis and the Genesis of the Ruse of Techne | 76
18. Heidegger’s bildungsroman | 76
19. The truth of phronesis as the combination of calculation, emotion, and situatedness | 79
20. The two ends of action in Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics 1139a32) | 82
21. Techne and phronesis distinguished through their ends | 86
22. The distinction between final and instrumental ends and the problematic of action in monism | 90
23. A Greek-hating philhellene | 91
24. The context of Heidegger’s interpretation of phronesis | 94
25. Heidegger’s mistranslations of the hou heneka | 98
26. Heidegger’s discussion of hou heneka and heneka tinos: The repression of instrumentality | 101
27. The genesis of the ruse of techne: sophia as the virtue of techne | 105 ■
28. Teleocracy | 112
29. Phronesis, resoluteness, and temporality: The “either/or” | 115
Excursus: Through the Looking Glass of the Distinction Between Causality and Instrumentality | 119
30. Acting and the other: The politics of instrumentality | 119
31. The repression of instrumentality in metaphysics | 126
32. Causal and instrumental ends in monist materialism | 133
4 The Concealment of Instrumentality: The Conception of Action in Being and Time | 144
33. The reason for focusing on the examples of action in Being and Time | 144
34. The epigraph and the problem of action in the Sophist | 146
35. Destruction and monism | 149
36. Inauthentic, indifferent, and authentic action | 151
37. Hammering and the concealing of instrumentality (Being and Time §15) | 155
38. The breakdown of ends (Being and Time §16) | 160
39. Sign and reference, understanding and interpretation (Being and Time §17) | 164
40. Dictatorship | 169
41. The temporality of death and the myth of Care | 172
42. Techne as the virtue of theory | 176
43. Subjectum absconditum | 184
5 The Ontology of Conflict: Conjuring Authority | 186
44. The “turn” and action | 186
45. Authority as the means to repress instrumentality | 189
46. Conflict and the three senses of techne | 193
47. The subjectivism of authority (Prometheus) | 196
48. The problem of the metaphysico-political conflict | 202
49. The historical decision and phusis (Oedipus Rex) | 204
50. Apolis and the spontaneous creation of authority (Antigone 1) | 208
51. The human as deinon and the repression of instrumentality (Antigone 2) | 213
52. A politics without reaction or an agonistic politics | 219
53. The preservers and the magical founding of the city | 222
6 The Ontology of the Ineffectual: The Purloined Letter of Instrumentality | 229
54. The reversal of the critique of monism | 229
55. The turn, the return, and the other turn (the critique of Sartre as self-critique) | 234
56. Transformations of the ruse of techne | 238
57. Instrumentality incorporated into causality (the first sense of techne) | 239
58. The ambivalence of the calculable and enframing (the second sense of techne) | 244
59. The killing power of the saving power (the third sense of techne) | 248
60. Metaphysical or materialist monism? | 252
61. The French appropriation of the repression of instrumentality | 256
62. The new Kantianism | 260
63. Technophobia and the repression of instrumentality | 263
64. The paradox of the final end | 266
Peroratio | 272
Acknowledgments | 279
Works by Martin Heidegger | 283
Bibliography | 287
Index | 301