1. In Lieu of an Introduction: A Conversation with Giovanni Aloi
Part I. Systems: Social, Biological, Ecological
2. Lose the Building: Meaning and Form in Diller and Scofidio’s Blur
3. Time as Architectural Medium: Koolhaas and Mau’s Tree City
4. The Installation That Almost Ate Me
Part II. “The Animal”
5. From Dead Meat to Glow-in-the-Dark Bunnies: Seeing “The Animal Question” in Contemporary Art
6. Apes Like Us
7. Condors at the End of the World: Rethinking Environmental Art
8. Each Time Unique: The Poetics of Extinction
Part III. The Biopolitical
9. What Is the Bio- of Biopolitics and Bioart?
10. No Immunity: The Biopolitical Worlds of Eija-Liisa Ahtila
11. The Miracle of the Familiar: A Conversation with Eija-Liisa Ahtila
12. The Biopolitical Drama of Joseph Beuys