Introduction: Gothic in the Anthropocene
Part I. Anthropocene
1. The Anthropocene
Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock
2. De-extinction: A Gothic Masternarrative for the Anthropocene
Michael Fuchs
3. Lovecraft vs. VanderMeer: Posthuman Horror (and Hope?) in the Zone of Exception
Rune Graulund
4. Monstrous Megalodons of the Anthropocene: Extinction and Adaptation in Prehistoric Shark Fiction, 1974–2018
Jennifer Schell
5. A Violence “Just below the Skin”: Atmospheric Terror and Racial Ecologies from the African Anthropocene
Esthie Hugo
Part II. Plantationocene
6. Horrors of the Horticultural: Charles Brockden Brown’s Wieland and the Landscapes of the Anthropocene
Lisa M. Vetere
7. True Detective’s Folk Gothic
Dawn Keetley
8. Beyond the Slaughterhouse: Anthropocene, Animals, and Gothic
Justin D. Edwards
Part III. Capitalocene
9. Gothic in the Capitalocene: World-Ecological Crisis, Decolonial Horror, and the South African Postcolony
Rebecca Duncan
10. Overpopulation: The Human as Inhuman
Timothy Clark
11. Digging Up Dirt: Reading the Anthropocene through German Romanticism
Barry Murnane
12. Got a Light? The Dark Currents of Energy in Twin Peaks: The Return
Timothy Morton and Rune Graulund
Part IV. Chthulucene
13. The Anthropocene Within: Love and Extinction in M. R. Carey’s The Girl with All the Gifts and The Boy on the Bridge
Johan Höglund
14. Rot and Recycle: Gothic Eco-burial
Laura R. Kremmel
15. Erotics and Annihilation: Caitlín R. Kiernan, Queering the Weird, and Challenges to the “Anthropocene”
Sara Wasson
16. Monstrocene
Fred Botting