Notes on Terminology
Introduction: The Age of the Urning Begins
Part One: 1862−1871
1. The First Urning: Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, 1825–1895
2. From Page to Personhood: The Transmission of Urningtum, 1864–1868
3. Two Trials: Sensation, Horror, and the Urning in the Public Sphere, 1867–1870
4. Sins of the City: Karl Maria Kertbeny and the Social Cross-Dressers, 1865–1880
Part Two: 1872–1897
5. The Matchmaker of Switzerland: Jakob Rudolf Forster’s Grassroots Activism in Germanic Switzerland, 1878–1897
6. Queering Psychiatry: Autobiographical Lobbying of Richard von Krafft-Ebing, 1864–1901
7. Belling the Cat: Adolf Glaser’s Discreet Police-Liaison in Berlin, 1878–1897
8. The Comradely Uranian: John Addington Symonds and the English Translation of the Urning, 1889–1893
Conclusion: The End of the Urning Age
Timeline of Events