“The Cybernetic Border is an in-depth and long-overdue interrogation of the complicated history and brutal impacts of America’s evolving technological war against migrants. Iván Chaar López’s book is a must-read for scholars of migration, science and technology studies, and American history that examines the increasingly blurred line between science fiction and reality along the US-Mexico border while giving us a frightening look into the future of global boundary enforcement.”
~Jason De León, author of, Soldiers and Kings: Survival and Hope in the World of Human Smuggling
“In this important book, Iván Chaar López reveals how surveillance drones, data infrastructures, and other technologies have been employed to transform the US-Mexico border into a cybernetic weapon against racialized intruders. It is a must-read for anyone interested in how technology and data networks are being developed as systems of surveillance and control, especially against racialized communities. Readers will also be interested in the ways in which Chaar López illuminates the courageous efforts of activists and artists who deploy aesthetic dissent to challenge the technopolitical regime governing the southern border.”
~Juan De Lara, author of, Inland Shift: Race, Space, and Capital in Southern California