“In this nuanced ethnographic study of the lives and work of two intertwined communities of professional researchers in British Columbia, Tom Özden-Schilling captures the researchers’ hopes, dreams, frustrations, and disappointments as they struggle to make a living and make their work matter to current and future generations. Extremely well written and tightly argued, The Ends of Research is an impressive and timely work of scholarship that makes important contributions to anthropology and science studies.”
~Paul Nadasdy, author of, Sovereignty’s Entailments: First Nation State Formation in the Yukon
“In this wonderful book Tom Özden-Schilling rightly challenges and nuances overly simplistic narratives that present contemporary resource governance processes as either simply an antipolitical form of rule by experts or a neoliberal regime of token gestures to regulation in the service of capital. Extending the dialogue between critical science and technology studies, northern and Indigenous studies, and scholarship on environmental conflicts, The Ends of Research is one of the best books I’ve read on Indigenous-settler relations in natural resource science.”
~Tyler McCreary, author of, Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities: Colonial Extractivism and Wet’suwet’en Resistance
"The Ends of Research is a stimulating ethnography that productively lingers on the ambiguities of environmental research."
~Gabriel Urlich Lennon, Anthropology Book Forum