Introduction. Excelsior! Or, Everything That Rises Must Converge, by Matt Yockey
Chapter 1. Reforming the “Justice” System: Marvel’s Avengers and the Transformation of the All-Star Team Book, by Mark Minett and Bradley Schauer
Chapter 2. Man Without Fear: David Mack, Daredevil, and the “Bounds of Difference” in Superhero Comics, by Henry Jenkins
Chapter 3. “This Female Fights Back!”: A Feminist History of Marvel Comics, by Anna F. Peppard
Chapter 4. “Share Your Universe”: Generation, Gender, and the Future of Marvel Publishing, by Derek Johnson
Chapter 5. Breaking Brand: From NuMarvel to MarvelNOW! Marvel Comics in the Age of Media Convergence, by Deron Overpeck
Chapter 6. Marvel and the Form of Motion Comics, by Darren Wershler and Kalervo A. Sinervo
Chapter 7. Transmedia Storytelling in the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” and the Logics of Convergence-Era Popular Seriality, by Felix Brinker
Chapter 8. The Marvel One-Shots and Transmedia Storytelling, by Michael Graves
Chapter 9. Spinning Webs: Constructing Authors, Genre, and Fans in the Spider-Man Film Franchise, by James N. Gilmore
Chapter 10. Playing Peter Parker: Spider-Man and Superhero Film Performance, by Aaron Taylor
Chapter 11. Spotting Stan: The Fun and Function of Stan Lee’s Cameos in the Marvel Universe(s), by Dru Jeffries
Chapter 12. Schrödinger’s Cape: The Quantum Seriality of the Marvel Multiverse, by William Proctor
Notes on Contributors