PART 1: A Theoretical Approach to the Nature of Media Scandal
- How Scandal Research tends to treat the Achievement of Media Scandals
- Scandal as Logic: Ideal and Sanction
- Scandal as industrial Product and institutional Practice
- Media scandals and what they are not
- Video-truths
- Comprehending Media Scandals from Media
- Publicity Narrative as Precondition of Scandals
PART 2: What is Publicity, the Public Sphere?
- Publicity as methodological Construct
- Publicity as Simulacrum
- Publicity and Meaning as Subsistence
- Semiotic as Theory of formal and concrete Meaning
PART 3: Semiotic of Publicity
- Publicity as Teleology
- Legitimacy
- Public Opinion as historical-cultural role relation
- Public Opinion as Theatre
- Public Opinion operates by constructing the Role of Enunciation Instance
PART 4: Publicity in Media Theory
- Media functional or semiotic?
- Is there a Need for a separate Semiotic Media Theory?
- Signs of Society
- Functions of the Three Correlates in the Media Sign
- Technological Determination or Sign Process: the case of Televangelism
- Godcasting: Meaning Apparatuses of Religious Self-display
PART 5: From Jubilation to Scandal
- Religious Meaning outside of Public Opinion
- Television Studies and Aesthetic Form
- Media Construction of Religious Space and Time
- The 'Call Forward'
- Witnessing
- PrayTV yields to PreyTV: Acts of Televangelist Authority
- Primordial Scandal Religion
PART 6: Judgement: Bringing into a Scandal-Position
- Scandal Technique
- Investigative Journalism and Objectivity
- Metatexts: Simplifying Sanctions in Public Opinion Texts
- Metatext I: The Permission to Act
- Metatext II: The Scale of Self-Realisation
- Deduction of Classes of Scandal
- Scandal of Destination
- Scandal of Action
PART 7: The Course of the Scandal Pro-Gramme
- Media Scandal Methods
- Event: How Destination in the Shanley story created the Scandal
- The role structure of the Shanley-story
- Two discursive Scandal Constructions
- Reality: News Practice between Reality Determination and satirical alienation
PART 8: Effect and Reality of Scandal
- Scandal as Objectivity Effect
- Objective Scandal Effects
- Scandal as Effect
- Critique of Subjectivity Approaches and Functionalism
- Scandal Effect as Semiotic
- Institutions as pragmatic Predetermination of Purpose
- De-Legitimization of an Institution as Purpose of Media Scandals