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Outside the Bible, 3-volume set
Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture
Edited by Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel and Lawrence H. Schiffman
Published by: The Jewish Publication Society
3302 pages, 203.00 x 254.00 mm, Index
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The Hebrew Bible is only part of ancient Israel’s writings. Another collection of Jewish works has survived from late- and post-biblical times, a great library that bears witness to the rich spiritual life of Jews in that period. This library consists of the most varied sorts of texts: apocalyptic visions and prophecies, folktales and legends, collections of wise sayings, laws and rules of conduct, commentaries on Scripture, ancient prayers, and much, much more.
While specialists have studied individual texts or subsections of this vast library, Outside the Bible seeks for the first time to bring together all the major components into a single collection, gathering portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Septuagint, the biblical Apocrypha, and Pseudepigrapha, and the writings of Philo of Alexandria and Josephus.
The editors have brought together these diverse works in order to highlight what has often been neglected; their common Jewish background. For this reason the commentaries that accompany the texts devote special attention to references to Hebrew Scripture and to issues of halakhah (Jewish law), their allusions to motifs and themes known from later Rabbinic writings in Talmud and Midrash, their evocation of recent or distant events in Jewish history, and their references to other texts in this collection.
The work of more than seventy contributing experts in a range of fields, Outside the Bible offers new insights into the development of Judaism and Early Christianity. This three-volume set of translations, introductions, and detailed commentaries is a must-have for scholars, students, and anyone interested in this great body of ancient Jewish writings.
The collection includes a general introduction and opening essays, new and revised translations, and detailed introductions, commentaries, and notes that place each text in its historical and cultural context. A timeline of the Second Temple Period, two appendixes (Books of the Bible; Second Temple Literature), and a general subject index complete the set.
To the Reader
Lists of Abbreviations
The Septuagint Emanuel Tov
The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha James Kugel
The Writings of Philo David Runia
The Writings of Josephus Louis H. Feldman
The Dead Sea Scrolls Lawrence H. Schiffman
The Bible Translated into Greek (the Septuagint)
Introduction to the Septuagint Selections Emanuel Tov
Genesis 11 Emanuel Tov
Deuteronomy 32 Emanuel Tov
Joshua 20 Emanuel Tov
Joshua 24 Emanuel Tov
Selections from Samuel-Kings Emanuel Tov
1 Samuel 1
1 Samuel 2
1 Kings 2
1 Kings 5
1 Kings 11
Selections from Jeremiah Emanuel Tov
Jeremiah 10
Jeremiah 27
Jeremiah 43
Proverbs 1 Emanuel Tov
Selections from Esther Emanuel Tov
Esther 1
Esther 3
Esther 8
Additions to Esther Michael V. Fox
Job 34 Emanuel Tov
Daniel 4 Emanuel Tov
Additions to Daniel Matthias Henze
The Story of Susanna and the Elders
Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews
Bel and the Dragon
1 Esdras Sara Japhet
Sustained Biblical Commentaries: Retellings and Pesharim
Commentary on Genesis A George J. Brooke
Ages of Creation Andrew Gross
The Book of Giants Loren Theo Stuckenbruck
Genesis Apocryphon Matthew J. Morgenstern and Michael Segal
Admonition Based on the Flood Alex P. Jassen
Jubilees James L. Kugel
Pseudo-Jubilees James L. Kugel
Pseudo-Philo, Book of Biblical Antiquities Howard Jacobson
Pseudo-Daniel John J. Collins
Son of God John J. Collins
Pesher Nahum Shani Berrin Tzoref
Pesher Habakkuk Bilhah Nitzan
Greek Jewish Interpreters
Demetrius the Chronographer Lorenzo DiTommaso
Artapanus Erich S. Gruen
Eupolemus Gregory E. Sterling
Pseudo-Eupolemus Gregory E. Sterling
Pseudo-Hecataeus Bezalel Bar-Kochva
Theodotus, “On the Jews” Howard Jacobson<as article reads; keep title?>
Philo the Epic Poet Harold W. Attridge
Ezekiel the Tragedian Howard Jacobson
Pseudo-Orpheus David Aune
Pseudo-Philo, On Samson and On Jonah Aram Topchyan and Gohar Muradyan
The Biblical Interpretations of Philo
Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus Aram Topchyan and Gohar Muradyan On the Creation of the World David T. Runia
Allegorical Interpretation Maren R. Niehoff
On the Life of Abraham Ellen Birnbaum
On the Migration of Abraham Peder Borgen
On the Life of Moses Maren R. Niehoff
On the Decalogue Sarah J.K. Pearce
On the Special Laws Naomi G. Cohen
The Biblical Interpretations of Josephus’s Jewish Antiquities
Preface to Jewish Antiquities Louis H. Feldman
Creation Louis H. Feldman
The Flood Louis H. Feldman
Abraham Journeys to Canaan and Egypt Louis H. Feldman
The Akedah Louis H. Feldman
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife Louis H. Feldman
The Rape of Dinah Louis H. Feldman
Moses’s Campaign against the Ethiopians Louis H. Feldman
The Sending of the Spies Louis H. Feldman
The Revolt of Korah Louis H. Feldman
The Story of Balaam Louis H. Feldman
The Death of Moses Louis H. Feldman
Mosaic Constitution David Goldenberg
The Altar across the Jordan Silvia Castelli
The Levite and His Wife Silvia Castelli
Deborah Silvia Castelli
Jephthah’s Vow Silvia Castelli
Birth of Samson Silvia Castelli
Marriage of Ruth and Boaz Silvia Castelli
Massacre at Nob Silvia Castelli
God Rejects Saul Silvia Castelli
The Witch of Endor Silvia Castelli
The Death of Saul Silvia Castelli
David Kills Goliath Silvia Castelli
David and Bathsheba Silvia Castelli
Death of Absalom Silvia Castelli
Solomon’s Wisdom (The Case of the Two Harlots) Pablo Torijano
Phoenician Writings on Solomon’s Wisdom Pablo Torijano
Solomon’s Magical Powers Pablo Torijano
Solomon’s Prayer (at the Temple’s Dedication) Pablo Torijano
The Return from Exile Paul Spilsbury
Esther Paul Spilsbury
Interpretive Texts Centering on Biblical Figures
Life of Adam and Eve Gary Anderson
1 Enoch Miriam Brand
Apocalypse of Abraham Alexander Kulik
Melchizedek Joseph L. Angel
Aramaic Levi Document Michael E. Stone and Esther Eshel
Visions of Amram Andrew Gross
Song of Miriam Sidnie White Crawford
Apocryphon of Joshua Miriam Zangi and Hanan Eshel
The Vision of Samuel Andrew Gross
Pseudo-Ezekiel Devorah Dimant
The Apocryphon of Ezekiel Benjamin G. Wright III
Letter of Jeremiah Steven Fraade
1 Baruch Steven Fraade
2 Baruch Adam H. Becker
3 Baruch Yivgeny Zingerman
Prayer of Nabonidus John J. Collins
4 Ezra Karina Martin Hogan
Testament of Abraham Annette Yoshiko Reed
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs James L. Kugel
Testament of Moses Kenneth Atkinson
Testament of Kohath Andrew Gross
Testament of Job Harold W. Attridge
Prayers and Psalms
Psalms of Solomon Kenneth Atkinson
Self-Glorification Hymn Esther Eshel
Daily Prayers Daniel K. Falk
Festival Prayers Daniel K. Falk
Words of the Luminaries Daniel K. Falk
Angelic Liturgy Michael Swartz
Thanksgiving Hymns (Hodayot) Angela Kim Harkins
Apocryphal Psalms Eileen Schuller
Non-Canonical Psalms Eileen Schuller
Greek Synagogal Prayers Pieter W. van der Horst
Prayer of Enoch James Kugel
Prayer of Manasseh Esther G. Chazon
Prayer for King Jonathan Hanan Eshel
Wisdom Writings
Wisdom of Solomon Peter Enns
Wisdom of Ben Sira Benjamin Wright
Pseudo-Phocylides, Sentences Pieter W. van der Horst
4 Maccabees David A. deSilva
Wisdom Literature from the Qumran Library Armin Lange
Wiles of the Wicked Woman Armin Lange
Words of the Maskil to All Sons of Dawn Armin Lange
Book of Mysteries Armin Lange
Beatitudes Armin Lange
Instruction-like Composition B Armin Lange
Musar LeMevin Armin Lange
Philosophical Treatises of Philo
On the Virtues Walter Wilson
On the Contemplative Life David M. Hay and David T. Runia
The Hypothetica Gregory E. Sterling
Stories Set in Biblical and Early Post-Biblical Times
Joseph and Aseneth Patricia Ahearne-Kroll
Judith Betsy Halpern-Amaru
Tobit George Nickelsburg
4 Baruch Pablo Torijano
3 Maccabees Sara Raup Johnson
Historical Writings Pertaining to Post-Biblical Times
The Letter of Aristeas Erich S. Gruen
1 Maccabees Lawrence H. Schiffman
2 Maccabees Daniel R. Schwartz
Jewish War: Excursus on Jewish Groups: Albert I. Baumgarten
Against Apion John M. Barclay
Sectarian Texts: Community, Law, and the End of Days
Rule of the Community Alex Jassen
Damascus Document Joseph L. Angel
Temple Scroll Lawrence H. Schiffman
Some Precepts of the Torah Lawrence H. Schiffman
War Scroll Jean Duhaime
New Jerusalem Joseph L. Angel
Books of the Bible: The Traditional Hebrew (Masoretic Text) and the Septuagint
List of Second Temple Literature
Writings of Philo
Writings of Josephus
Primary Documents of the Dead Sea Scrolls
General Subject Index
LOUIS H. FELDMAN (1926–2017) was Wouk Family Professor of Classics and Literature Emeritus at Yeshiva University, where he taught since 1955. Feldman’s many publications include Josephus and Modern Scholarship; Jew and Gentile in the Ancient World; and Josephus’s Interpretation of the Bible. A leading scholar of ancient Judaism and Hellenistic culture, Feldman is associate editor of Classical Weekly, managing editor of Classical World, and former editor of Hellenistic Literature for the Encyclopedia Judaica.
JAMES L. KUGEL is professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and the former Starr Professor of Hebrew Literature at Harvard University. Kugel specializes in the Hebrew Bible, the history of biblical exegesis, and the study of ancient Judaism. His many books include How to Read the Bible; The God of Old; and The Bible as It Was.
LAWRENCE H. SCHIFFMAN is professor of Judaic studies and vice provost of undergraduate education at Yeshiva University. Schiffman is former chair of New York University’s Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and Ethel and Irvin A. Edelman Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Judaic Studies. Schiffman is a leading scholar of ancient Judaism with special interest in the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In addition to his many publications, he is the coeditor of the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls and editor of The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years after Their Discovery.
The Contributors: Patricia Ahearne-Kroll, Gary A. Anderson, Joseph L. Angel, Kenneth Atkinson, Harold W. Attridge, David E. Aune , John M. Barclay, Bezalel Bar-Kochva, Albert I. Baumgarten, Adam H. Becker, Ellen Birnbaum , Peder Borgen, Miryam T. Brand, George J. Brooke, Silvia Castelli, Esther G. Chazon, Naomi G. Cohen, John J. Collins, Sidnie White Crawford, David A. deSilva, Devorah Dimant, Lorenzo DiTommaso, Jean Duhaime, Peter Enns, Esther Eshel, Hanan Eshel, Daniel K. Falk, Louis H. Feldman, Michael V. Fox, Steven D. Fraade, David M. Goldenberg, Andrew D. Gross, Erich S. Gruen, Betsy Halpern-Amaru , Angela Kim Harkins, David M. Hay, Matthias Henze, Karina Martin Hogan, Howard Jacobson, Sara Japhet, Alex P. Jassen, Sara Raup Johnson, James L. Kugel, Alexander Kulik, Armin Lange, Matthew J. Morgenstern, Gohar Muradyan, George W. E. Nickelsburg, Maren R. Niehoff , Bilhah Nitzan, Sarah Judith Pearce, Annette Yoshiko Reed, David T. Runia, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Eileen Schuller, Daniel R. Schwartz, Michael Segal, Paul Spilsbury , Gregory E. Sterling, Michael E. Stone, Loren Theo Stuckenbruck, Michael D. Swartz, Aram Topchyan, Pablo Torijano, Emanuel Tov, Shani Berrin Tzoref, Pieter W. van der Horst, Walter T. Wilson, Benjamin G. Wright III, Miriam Zangi, and Yevgeniy Y. Zingerman .
"Outside the Bible will replace classic earlier anthologies as the premier compendium of primary texts for scholars and teachers of the period."—Hindy Najman, Jewish Review of Books
“This publication is a gold mine. The series is beautifully printed and bound. On display are the creative geniuses of Second Temple Judaism who have excited both Jews and Christians. The insights shared in the commentaries are superb.”—James H. Charlesworth, Bible History Daily
"Outside the Bible is probably the most ambitious project undertaken by The Jewish Publication Society in many years."—Peter L. Rothholz, Jewish Book Council
"Biblical scholars, Second Temple period historians, and Jewish educators will find themselves consulting Outside the Bible regularly."—Igal German, Society of Biblical Literature
"The work of more than seventy contributing experts in a range of fields, Outside the Bible offers new insights into the development of Judaism and Early Christianity. This three-volume set of translations, introductions, and detailed commentaries is a must for scholars, students, and anyone interested in this great body of ancient Jewish writings."—Review of Biblical Literature
"These worthwhile volumes will open a whole new world of exegetical literature to the general public and are highly recommended."—David Zucker, Jewish Bible Quarterly
“Breathtaking in its scope and eminently satisfying in its execution, Outside the Bible will prove to be an indispensable reference for every scholar of the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, the New Testament, and early Christianity. With introductions to and translations of the mass of noncanonical Jewish writings produced from the Exile up to the Mishnah, by an eminent group of internationally renowned scholars, here we have a resource that will meet scholarly needs for generations to come.”—Bart D. Ehrman, James A. Gray Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill