Acknowledgments ix
Introduction. States of (In)security: Coming to Terms
with an Erratic Terrain 1
Zeynep Gambetti and Marcial Godoy-Anativia
1 Free in the Forest: Popular Neoliberalism and the Aftermath
of War in the US Pacific Northwest 20
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
2 Autochthony, Citizenship, and (In)security: New Turns
in the Politics of Belonging in Africa and Elsewhere 40
Peter Geschiere
3 Congolité: Elections and the Politics of Autochthony
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 69
Stephen Jackson
4 Securing “Security” amid Neoliberal Restructuring:
Civil Society and Volunteerism in Post-1990 Turkey 93
Yasemin Ipek Can
5 “I’m No Terrorist, I’m a Kurd”: Societal Violence, the State,
and the Neoliberal Order 125
Zeynep Gambetti
6 Public-Private Partnerships in the Industry of Insecurity 153
Nandini Sundar
NYUP Gambetti Godoy-Anativia Final.indd 7 6/12/13 10:39 AMviii Contents
7 Does Globalization Breed Ethnic Violence? 175
Georgi M. Derluguian
8 Guarded (In)visibility: Violencias and the Labors of Paralegality
in the Era of Collapse 196
Rossana Reguillo Cruz
9 The Securitarian Society of the Spectacle 213
Nicholas De Genova
Contributors 243
Index 247