Prologue: What a Party!
1 The Handshake: Creating a New Law Firm
2 Building a Law Firm: The First Decade in Montreal
3 The Game Changer: Pierre Trudeau Comes on Board
4 “A Different Kind of Law Firm”: Creating a Unique Culture
5 On the Verge: A Law Firm Seeking to Go Where?
6 Launching Toronto: Moving to the Centre of the Universe
7 Joe Groia: An Outsider among Outsiders
8 Toronto in the 1990s: Building an Office, Building a Brand
9 The Culture Crystallizes: “A Kinder, Gentler Law Firm”
10 Not Torys? Struggling to Define an Identity and a Vision
11 The Donaldson Interlude: Everyone Deserves a Second Chance
12 The Lure of Growth: Becoming a National Law Firm
13 The Critical Years: 1993–98
14 The New Millennium: The Culture Begins to Fray
15 A “Hotel for Lawyers”: Law Firm Partnerships
16 “A Family Business”: Governance and Management
17 Bigger than the Firm: Marcel Aubut
18 The Persistence of White Male Power: Women and Diversity in Big Law
19 The End of the Decade: End of the Dream
20 The Money Wells Dry Up: Castor Holdings and Atomic Energy
21 We’ll Always Have Paris: International Follies
22 Lawyers, Guns, and Money: African Misadventures
23 Double Trouble: Botched Succession
24 Quicksand and Crisis: Coffee and Kleenex
25 Implosion: The Final Weeks
26 Cleaning Up: When a Law Firm Fails
Notes; Selected Bibliography; Index