Foreword: Cryopolitics after Ice / Joanna Radin and Emma Kowal
Introduction: A Cold Humanities after Ice / Rafico Ruiz, Paula Schönach, and Rob Shields
Part 1: Cold Humanities for the Arctic
1 On Cryohuman Relations / Cymene Howe
2 I, Nuligak and Indigenous Arctic Temporalities / Hester Blum
3 Freeze-up, Breakup, and Colonial Circulation / Liza Piper
Part 2: Warm, Cool, Icy, Changing Cold Social Conditions
4 Of Mammoths and Meat: Natural History and Artificial Refrigeration in the Nineteenth Century / Rebecca J.H. Woods
5 Materials after Ice Thaw: Methane, Microbes, Mud / Juan Francisco Salazar and Jessica O’Reilly
6 Archives Melting (and Meltdowns) / Mél Hogan and Sarah T. Roberts
Part 3: The Cultural Afterlives of Ice
7 Perishing Twice: On Play in a Warming World / Alenda Y. Chang
8 Afterlife of Ice: Animation and Air / Esther Leslie
9 Contrapuntal Ice / Jeff Diamanti
10 On the Techno-Metaphorology of Hibernation / Zsolt Miklósvölgyi and Márió Z. Nemes
Afterword: A Synthesis and Research Agenda for the Cold Humanities / Mark Carey