Part 1: Setting the Stage
1 A Partnership Approach to the Study of Canada’s Oceans and Coasts / U. Rashid Sumaila, Derek Armitage, Megan Bailey, and William W.L. Cheung
2 Status of Reconciliation and Indigenous Ocean Management in Canada / Russ Jones, Nancy Doubleday, Megan Bailey, Ken Paul, Fraser Taylor, and Peter Pulsifer
Part 2: Changing Oceans
3 Rapid Changes across Canada’s Oceans and Their Impacts on Coastal Communities / Travis C. Tai and Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, with Juan Jose Alava Saltos, Natalie C. Ban, Andrea Bryndum-Buchholz, William W.L. Cheung, Simon Courtenay, Sarah Harper, Carie Hoover, Heike K. Lotze, Nadja S. Steiner, U. Rashid Sumaila, Nicolás Talloni-Álvarez, Charlotte K. Whitney, and Kristen Wilson
4 Large Changes in Canada’s Oceans and Their Impact on Ecosystems and Fisheries / Nadja S. Steiner, Andrea Bryndum-Buchholz, William W.L. Cheung, Amber M. Holdsworth, Heike K. Lotze, Nidhi Nagabhatla, Sarah L. Newell, Thomas A. Okey, Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, U. Rashid Sumaila, Travis C. Tai, Kristen L. Wilson, and the Community of Chesterfield Inlet
5 Using Multiscale Scenarios to Investigate the Outlook for Marine Ecosystems and Coastal Communities / Louise Teh and William W.L. Cheung, with Natalie Ban, Russ Jones, Lydia Ross, Nadja S. Steiner, and U. Rashid Sumaila
Part 3: Access to Ocean Resources
6 Lobsters and Livelihoods: Indigenous Rights and Fishery Access / Megan Bailey and Anthony Charles
7 The Impact of Quotas on Canada’s Fisheries and the Response of Fish Harvesters / Evelyn Pinkerton, Marc Allain, Danielle Edwards, Phillip Saunders, and Charlotte Whitney
8 The Role of Fisheries Co-Management in Addressing Access and Allocation Inequities in Eastern Inuit Nunangat / Carie Hoover, Jason Akearok, Tommy Palliser, Amber Giles, Mark Basterfield, Aaron Dale, Melina Kourantidou, Ashlee Cunsolo, Megan Bailey, and Jamie Snook
Part 4: Ocean Governance
9 Transforming the Governance of Canada’s Oceans and Coasts from the Bottom Up / Derek Armitage, Nathan J. Bennett., Rachelle Beveridge, Anthony Charles, Nancy Doubleday, Inka Milewski, Sarah Newell, Lydia Ross, Ruth E. Smith, and the Community of Chesterfield Inlet
10 Knowledge Co-Production and Enhanced Governance Fit in Rebuilding Canada’s Coastal Fisheries / Evan J. Andrews, Graham Epstein, Jennifer L. Silver, Ella-Kari Muhl, and Derek Armitage
11 Bright Spots in Integrated Management of Canada’s Oceans and Coasts / Sondra Eger, Natalie C. Ban, Chelsea Boaler, Irene Brueckner-Irwin, Simon Courtenay, Graham Epstein, Carie Hoover, Jim McIsaac, and Robert L. Stephenson
Part 5: Into the Future
12 Progress and Challenges in Making Canada’s Ocean Laws and Policies Climate-Ready / Cecilia Engler, Phillip Saunders, and David L. VanderZwaag
13 Coastlines, Communities, and Cameras: How Participatory Video Can Enhance Ocean Research / Vincent L’Hérault, Natalie Baird, Hillary Beattie, Ian Mauro, and Eric Solomon
14 Policy Direction for Reconciliation and Indigenous Ocean Management in Canada / Russ Jones, Nancy Doubleday, Megan Bailey, Ken Paul, Fraser Taylor, and Peter Pulsifer
15 Toward a Healthy Future for Canada’s Oceans and Coasts / U. Rashid Sumaila and the OCP team