Introduction, or a Pitch for You to Read this Book / Maritza Felices-Luna
Part 1: Ethical Dilemmas When Following the Rules or Doing Business as Usual
1 The Ethical Quagmire of Carceral Tours for Prison Education Programs: Are Compromised Ethics an Acceptable Educational Tool? / Sandra Lehalle and Jennifer M. Kilty
2 Fascist Logic: Exposé or Propaganda? / Shayna Plaut
3 The Politics of Representation and Allyship in Human Rights Policy Work / Christina Clark-Kazak
4 Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Work with Detained Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Greece / Jason Phillips
5 Are “Ethically Appropriate” Responses the Same for All of Us? A Social Work Practitioner/Researcher’s Dilemma / Neil Bilotta
6 Unequal Pay for Equal Work: Ethical Reflections on Exploitation as a Funding Requirement / Maritza Felices-Luna
Interlude: Back at you, Joseph Conrad / Juliane Okot Bitek
Part 2: Ethical Dilemmas When Challenging Business as Usual or When Taking the Unbeaten Path
7 “I Want My Name”: Autonomy, Protection, and Attribution in Research Interviews with “Vulnerable” Populations / Kristi Heather Kenyon
8 Your Mandates Aren’t Ours / Katsi’tsí:io Splicer, Cougar Kirby, and Sarah Fraser
9 When Life Isn’t a Moment: Participatory Photography, Photojournalism, and Documentary Photography / Myrto Papadopoulos and Shayna Plaut
10 “But Don’t Believe Me, Believe Sex Workers”: Amplifying Voices, Speaking Out of Turn, and Knowing Your Place / Claudyne Chevrier
11 Breaching My Contract to Uphold My Responsibility / Nick Catalano
12 The Oral Defence: Speaking Back to the Community / Yuriko Cowper-Smith
13 “But Where Is the Violence?”: Reflections on Honouring Relationships and Troubling Academia / Lara Rosenoff Gauvin
Conclusion: Many Questions, Few Answers / Christina Clark-Kazak, Shayna Plaut, Neil Bilotta, Lara Rosenoff Gauvin, and Maritza Felices-Luna