Part 1: Planning, Urban Design, and Condominiums in Toronto
1 Planning and the Tools of Design Governance
2 The Central Area Plan and Reformist Planning and Urban Design
3 Urban Intensification, Flexible Planning, and Vertical Urbanization
4 "Condo-ism" and the Impacts of Vertical Urbanization
Part 2: Designing and Developing the CityPlace Megaproject
5 Visions for Toronto’s Railway Lands
6 "Vancouverism" in Toronto
7 The Condominium Megastructure
8 CityPlace and the Affordable Housing Conundrum
9 A Tale of Two Halves on the Wittington Blocks
10 Completing CityPlace
Appendix: Railway Lands/CityPlace Planning, Design, and Development Timeline
Notes; References; Index