Introduction: Religion, Spirituality, and Irreligion in The Best Place on Earth / Paul Bramadat
1 Reverential Naturalism: From the Fancy to the Sublime / Paul Bramadat
2 On Religion, Irreligion, and Settler Colonialism in the Pacific Northwest: A Snapshot from the Field / Chelsea Horton
3 Border Crossings: Indigenous Spirituality and Culture in Cascadia / Suzanne Crawford O’Brien
4 But People Tend to Go the Way Their Families Go: Irreligion across the Generations in the Pacific Northwest / Tina Block and Lynne Marks
5 Second to None: Religious Nonaffiliation in the Pacific Northwest / Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme
6 From Outlier to Advance Guard: Cascadia in Its North American Context / Mark Silk
7 Questing for Home: Place, Spirit, and Religious Community in the Pacific Northwest / Patricia O’Connell Killen
8 The Precarious Nature of Cascadia’s Protestants: New Strategies for Evangelical and Liberal Christians in the Region / James K. Wellman Jr. and Katie E. Corcoran
9 Evangelicals in the Pacific Northwest: Navigating the “None Zone” / Michael Wilkinson
10 “To Be or Not to Be” Religious: Minority Religions in a Region of Nones / Rachel D. Brown
11 Everything Old is New Again: Reverential Naturalism in Cascadian Poetry / Susanna Morrill
12 Conclusion: Religion at the Edge of the Continent / Paul Bramadat and Patricia O’Connell Killen
List of Contributors; Index