1 Indonesia: Economic History, Growth, Poverty, Income Inequality, and Trade / Richard Barichello
2 Globalization and Inequality: Causes, Consequences, and Cures / James W. Dean and Colin McLean
3 Trade Expansion in Indonesia: The Impact on Poverty and Income Inequality / Teguh Dartanto, Yusuf Sofiyandi, and Nia Kurnia Sholiha
4 Is Globalization Associated with Income Inequality? The Case of Indonesia / Yessi Vadila and Budy P. Resosudarmo
5 A Child’s Growth is a Nation’s Growth: Children’s Well-being and Inequality in Indonesia / Santi Kusumaningrum, Arianto Patunru, Clara Siagian, and Cyril Bennouna
6 Reducing Rural Poverty through Trade? Evidence from Indonesia / Richard Barichello and Faisal Harahap
7 Is Greater Openness to Trade Good? What are the Effects on Poverty and Inequality? / Arianto Patunru
8 Coffee Eco-Certification: New Challenges for Farmers’ Welfare / Bustanul Arifin
9 Understanding Visual Disability as a Development and Global Human Rights Issues: A Demographic Perspective in Indonesia / Evi Nurvidya Arifin and Aris Ananta
10 Urban Property Rights: A View from Jakarta / Michael Leaf
11 Indonesia: The Links between Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality / Richard Schwindt
List of Contributors; Index