Foreword / Chief William Cranmer/T̓łlakwagila (ꞌNa̱mg̱is Nation)
Prologue: Points of Arrival and Departure
Introduction: From Writing Culture to the Intercultural History of Ethnography
1 A Complex Cannibal: Colonialism, Modernity and the Hamat̓sa
2 Discursive Cannibals:The Textual Dynamics of Settler Colonialism, 1786–1893
3 The Foundations of All Future Researches: The Work of Franz Boas and George Hunt, 1886–1966
4 Reading, Rewriting, and Writing Against: Changing Anthropological Theory, 1896–1997
5 From Index to Icon: (Auto)Biography and Popular Culture, 1941–2012
6 Reading Culture, Consuming Ethnography
Afterword: Between This World and That / Andy Everson/Tanis (K̕ómoks Nation)
Notes; References; Index