Introduction / David Laycock
Part 1: Ideology in Partisan, Policy, and Academic Contexts
1 Consent, Representation, and Liberty: America as the Last Medieval Society – or a Footnote to Louis Hartz / Ivan Jankovic
2 Canadian Development Assistance and Mediated Geopolitics / Katherine Reilly
3 Right-Wing Populism, Conservative Governance, and Multiculturalism in Canada / David Laycock and Steven Weldon
4 Not Merely Playing: Game Theory’s Subversive Proclivities / Laurent Dobuzinskis
Part 2: Ideology in the Politics of Civil Society
5 The Contribution of Rhetorical Analysis and Discourse Theory to the Study of Political Ideologies: The Cases of Multiculturalism and Environmentalism / Ian Angus
6 Mobilizing Political Strategy: The Global Practices of Taxpayer Groups / Kyle Willmott
7 Telling Their Stories: Ideology and the Subject of Prairie Agriculture / Katherine Strand and Darin Barney
8 Laborlore and the Ideology of the British Columbia Labour Bureaucracy, 1900–2015 / Mark Leier
9 A Reconnaissance of Everyday Working Class Ideology in British Columbia / Dennis Pilon
Conclusion / David Laycock