A Note on the Sliammon Language / Honoré Watanabe
Introduction: Listening to Ɂəms tɑɁɑw / Paige Raibmon
Where I Come From
1 The Territory and People
Legends: A Man Taken by the Seal Family | Twins Are Gifted
2 Life with My Grandparents
Sliammon Narrative: They Invited Them to a Feast
3 Teachings on Learning
Legends: Mink and Cloud | Mink and Salal | Mink and Eagle | Mink and Pitch | Mink and Grizzly
4 Residential School
Legend: t'əl (The Wild Man of the Woods)
5 Teachings for Moms
Legend: The Young Girl and Eleven Puppies
6 Married Life
Sliammon Narrative: qᵂʋl č’ɛ tɑwƟɛm kᵂut tɑmʌs (They [Spirits] Just Came and Told You Something)
7 Teachings on Grief
8 Community Work
Legends: Mink and Whale | Mink and Wolf
9 Naming My Family
10 Healing Work
Sliammon Narrative: č’ɛhčɛhʌ čxᵂ k’ᵂʌnɛtomoɬ (You Thank the One Who Looks after All of Us)
11 Teachings on Spirituality
Thoughts about Ma / Cliff Paul