Introduction, by Connie Y. Chiang
PART ONE. The Nature of Yellow Perils
White Plague, Yellow Peril: Tuberculosis and Environmental Health in San Francisco Chinatown, by Tamara Venit Shelton
A New Immigration Peril: Race and Erasure in the Making of the Pacific Oyster in Washington State, by Kathleen Whalen
Murderous Giant Hornets, Crushing Lanternflies, and Silken Jorō Webs: Racialized Responses to New Asian Bio-Invasions, by Jeannie N. Shinozuka
PART TWO. Place and Belonging
Unruly Floods, Healing Waters: Chinese Settlers and the Los Angeles River, 1870s–1930s, by Ashanti Shih
August on My Back: Rhythms of Issei Motherhood and Labor on the Yakama Reservation, by Yesenia Navarrete Hunter
Reshaping Agrarian Visions: Southeast Asian Refugee Community Gardens and the Limits of Rural Continuity, by Cecilia M. Tsu
PART THREE. Resistance and Justice
The Jail In the Cellar: Carcerality and Wastelanding at Leupp Boarding School and Isolation Center, by Hana Maruyama and Davina Two Bears
Environmental Justice Denied: Japanese American Testimonies and the Campaign for Redress, by Connie Y. Chiang
Challenging White Sanctuary: Twenty-First Century Representations of Asian American Outdoor Recreation, by Sarah D. Wald
Connecting the Filipinx Diaspora and Environmental History: A Roundtable Discussion, by Katharine Achacoso, Christine Peralta, and Michael Menor Salgarolo, moderated by JoAnna Poblete