Introduction: Brief Candle: The Saint’s Life as Biblical Illumination
Part 1. The Saint’s Life in the Age of Monasticism
1. Psalm Use, Prayer, and Prophecy in the Lives of Saint Guthlac
2. Hexaemeral Miracles in Saint Ælred of Rievaulx’s Life of Ninian
3. The Song of Songs and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux’s Life of Saint Malachy
4. Eadmer’s Parabolic Life and History of Saint Anselm of Canterbury: A Twice-Told Tale.
Part 2. The Saint’s Life in the Scholastic Age
5. Saint Francis of Assisi as “New Evangelist” in Thomas of Celano’s Vita Prima and Bonaventure’s Legenda Maior
6. Heroic Virtue in Blessed Raymond of Capua’s Life of Catherine of Siena
7. Mary Magdalene and the Eucharist: Reading Jacobus de Voragine’s Legenda Aurea with Catherine of Siena, Raymond of Capua, and Osbern Bokenham
Part 3. The Saint’s Life in Modernity
8. The Ends of Hagiography: Erasmus’s Jerome, Harpsfield’s Life, and More’s Epitaph
9. Modern Literary Experiments in Biblical Hagiography
Conclusion: Historical Truth, Biblical Criticism, and Hagiography