Patrice DiQuinzio and Iris Marion Young
1. Taking Dependency Seriously: The Family Medical Leave Act Considered in Light of the Social
Organization of Dependency Work and Gender Equality, Eva Fetter Kittay
2. Reconciling Equality to Difference: Caring (F)or Justice for People with Disabilities, Anita Silvers
3. Feminist Ethics and Public Health Care Policies: A Case Study of the Netherlands, Selma Sevenhuijsen
4. The Combat Exclusion and the Role of Women in the Military, Judith Wagner DeCew
5. Fathers' Rights, Mothers' Wrongs? Reflections on Unwed Fathers' Rights and Sex Equality,
Mary L. Shanley
6. Does Comparable Worth Have Radical Potential?, Carolyn H. Magid
7. "Male-Order" Brides: Immigrant Women, Domestic Violence, and Immigration Law, Uma Narayan
8. Stranger Violence—An Easy Case, Sharon E. Hartline
9. Mixed Black and White Race and Public Policy, Naomi Zack
10. Agency and Alliance in Public Discourses and Sexualities, Janet R. Jakobsen
11. "Undemocratic Afflictions": A Feminist Response to the AIDS Epidemic, Kate Mehuron
12. Pornography: An Uncivil Liberty?, Alisa L. Carse
13. Beauty and Breast Implantation: How Candidate Selection Affects Autonomy and Informed Consent,
Lisa S. Parker
14. Sex-Selective Abortion: A Relational Approach, Gail Weiss
Notes on Contributors