Introduction: Storyworld, Wrestling, Entertainment / Dru Jeffries
Part I: Corporate Kayfabe: WWE as Media Empire
1. World Building in the WWE Universe / Eero Laine
2. The Work of Wrestling: Struggles for Creative and Industrial Power in WWE Labor / Andrew Zolides
3. Mapping the WWE Universe: Territory, Media, Capitalism / Dru Jeffries and Andrew Kannegiesser
4. Narrative Smarts: Negotiations of Creative Authority in Wrestling's Reality Era / Christian Norman
Part II: Marks and Smarts: WWE's Unruly Fandoms
5. Sport vs. Spectacle: Fan Discontent and the Rise of Sports Entertainment / Shane Toepfer
6. The Marks Have Gone Off-Script: Rogue Actors in WWE's Stands / Sam Ford
7. Botchamania and the Acoustics of Professional Wrestling / Christian B. Long
Part III: Then, Now, Forever: Wresting with WWE's Past and Transmedia Future
8. "Tout It Out": WWE's Experimentation and Failure with Social TV / Cory Barker
9. "We're Not Just Cheerleaders": Reading the Postfeminist Polysemy of Total Divas / Anna F. Peppard
10. Daniel's Specter: Daniel Bryan, Chris Benoit, and the Work of Mourning / Sean Desilets