Feminist Queer Crip is a unique addition to the feminist, disability literature that could easily serve as a supplemental text in a disability studies or queer studies undergraduate or graduate course. . . . it is certainly relevant to academicians, researchers and clinicians interested in the future of disability studies and provides an intriguing list of diverse examples with which to further explore this too often invisible topic.
~Sex Roles
Feminist, Queer, Crip makes significant contributions to our understanding of how disability works in the world, contributions that no other academic book in the recently emergent field of interdisciplinary disability studies has done so thoroughly.
~Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies
Feminist, Queer, Crip is ambitious, doggedly interdisciplinary, and accessibly written. It retains political sharpness while remaining determinedly optimistic about queer/crip futures.
As it is written in accessible and clear language, Feminist, Queer, Crip has the potential to reach a wide range of audiences including undergraduate students. It will expand the thinking of minority studies scholars, including feminist theorists, philosophers, bioethicists, queer studies, critical race theorists, disability studies, environmental studies, and American studies scholars. The book will likely provoke transformative thinking for those who work to build coalitions among identity-based political movements as well as policymakers and medical, legal, and disability service professionals.Summer 2014