An Introduction to Sedges
Distinguishing the Carex Sedges
A Brief History of Oval Sedges
Distinguishing Oval Sedges from other Carex Sections
Notes on Identification and Using This Book
Measurement Tools
Measurement Variation
Depauperate Specimens
Seasonal Variation
Specimen Maturity
Dried & Fresh Specimens
Habit & Growth Form
Leaves & Sheaths
Perigynia & Pistillate Scales
Perigynium Venation
Quick ID Groups
Guide to Species Pages
Carex alata Torrey
Carex albolutescens Schweinitz
Carex bebbii (L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
Carex bicknellii Britton
Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie ex Lunell
Carex crawfordii Fernald
Carex cristatella Britton
Carex cumulata (L.H. Bailey) Mackenzie
Carex echinodes (Fernald) P.E. Rothrock, Reznicek, & Hipp
Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willdenow
Carex longii Mackenzie
Carex missouriensis P.E. Rothrock & Reznicek
Carex molesta Mackenzie ex Bright
Carex molestiformis Reznicek & P.E. Rothrock
Carex muskingumensis Schweinitz
Carex normalis Mackenzie
Carex opaca (F.J. Hermann) P.E. Rothrock & Reznicek
Carex praticola Rydberg
Carex projecta Mackenzie
Carex reniformis (L.H. Bailey) Small
Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willdenow
Carex straminea Willdenow ex Schkuhr
Carex suberecta (Olney) Britton
Carex tenera Dewey
Carex tribuloides Wahlenberg var. sangamonensis Clokey
Carex tribuloides Wahlenberg var. tribuloides
Additional Photographs
About the Authors
State of Illinois Counties
Metric Ruler
Blank Pages for Field Notes
Specimens Photographed