Biographical Sketch
Part I. Writing the People’s History
- The Great Northern Strike of 1894: When Gene Debs Beat Jim Hill
Part II. Working-Class Formation
- The Working Classes of the Pre-Industrial American City, 1780-1830
- Social Attitudes of American Workers in the 1840s
- The Shuttle and the Cross: Weavers and Artisans in the Kensington Riots of 1844
- Wage Labor, Bondage, and Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century America
Part III. Mutualism and Contention: Strikes, Immigrants, and Working-Class Consciousness in the Nineteenth Century
- Strikes in Nineteenth-Century America
- Labor and the Republic in Industrial America, 1860-1920
- Racism, Immigrants, and Political Reform
Part IV. Toward a History of Workers’ Control
- Trade Union Practice and the Origins of Syndicalist Theory in the United States
- Workers’ Control of Machine Production in the Nineteenth Century
- The “New Unionism” and the Transformation of Workers’ Consciousness in America, 1909-22
Part V. After The Fall
- Thinking about American Workers in the 1920s
- Labor and the Political Leadership of New Deal America
- Working People’s Response to Past Depressions
Part VI. The Move to Global and Comparative Study
- Empire, Race, and Working-Class Mobilizations
- Workers’ Movements in the United States Confront Imperialism: The Progressive Era Experience
Part VII. Political Interventions
- What’s Happening to the American Worker?
- Foreword to On Strike for Respect
- Yesterday’s Wisdom: Changing Situations and New Initiatives in the American Labor Movement
- Challenges Facing Historians of the Working Class
A David Montgomery Bibliography