PART I. A Citizen Diplomat PreparesChapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Copland and the Beginnings of U.S. Cultural Diplomacy
Chapter 3. Copland as Good Neighbor: A Musical Diplomat and the OIAA
PART II. Copland, Latin America, and World War II
Chapter 4. Diplomat “in the Field”
Chapter 5. Copland in Argentina
Chapter 6. Copland in Brazil
Chapter 7. Copland in Chile
Chapter 8. “The Fiery Trial Through Which We Pass”: The Americas at War
PART III.Copland, Latin America, and the Postwar
Chapter 9. Copland, Latin America, and the Early Cold War
Chapter 10. Shifting Ground: Copland, Latin America, and the Crisis of Modernism
Chapter 11. A “Living Refutation to Communist-Inspired Lies”: Copland in Latin America in the Sixties
Chapter 12. Latin American Classical Music and Memory
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